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During the holidays, it is common to see in the children emotional changes and anger more than usual, this because of the stress generated by the demand that is given to children in front of how to be and not to be. Put on these clothes, play with your... Leer Mas
The development of the baby at this age, allows to see notable changes in the development that shows freedom of movement, where his head, back, arms and legs have greater ability, his behavior changes having more advanced behaviors and reactions than in... Leer Mas
And why not? It is a time when we can also go out with our baby for a good walk! It can bring great benefits for both you and your little one. Dare to feel that sunbeam that comes from time to time and do not worry about the wind, for that we have the... Leer Mas
According to studies, many of the skills in children are innate, such as learning to sit, talk, walk, crawl, sit, but some are learned during the educational processes at home. It is important that children from small are generated activities that... Leer Mas
It has been 1 year, it is becoming more independent and spends less time in its arms. At this age he began taking his first steps, and although some are already walking alone, others are so far learning. But this does not stop him to move and want to move... Leer Mas
The little students who go through the grading process anxiously and some with a lot of confidence because they know that their results were ideal, waiting with great motivation for the prize promised by their parents. It is very common to see today the... Leer Mas
When you are going to buy a gift, you should think about what utility is going to be given to that gift, if it is feasible for the family and if it is something that the baby will enjoy. But how to know what gift can be useful for a 10 month baby? Here we... Leer Mas
The 16-month-old baby advances every day much more, his progress is better by walking very fast, it is a stage where parents really will end up exhausted at the end of the day, since the child will not want to be still for a single second. He wants to... Leer Mas
The seven months of the baby, begins a fantastic process of language and expression where cognitive abilities of recognition and pronunciation of sounds are generated, characterized by the different changes in their growth and cognitive ability. It covers... Leer Mas
  Complementary feeding is the supply of foods other than breast milk, which complements breastfeeding. The guide of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) states that, at 6 months of age, it is the perfect stage where psycho motor skills develop to... Leer Mas
In the first months of life, the baby is assimilating a series of general processes that lead him to be part of a normal adaptation, where they can present problems in some areas, the important thing is that the parents can identify the needs of the baby... Leer Mas
6-month-old baby toys should meet their learning needs, not forgetting that playing should be a fun and enjoyable time where parents are part of the fun and interaction. The most important thing is to spend quality time with the little ones and to learn... Leer Mas
  The promises are customs that parents have as a means of incentive or motivation for their children in the face of any particular event, what must be taken into account is that every promise made to a child, generates expectations of receiving them ,... Leer Mas
When babies are born we believe that the skin will be soft and smooth, but on many occasions it happens that babies are born with some imperfections in their skin, small pimples, reddened spots that usually worry some parents. There are varieties of... Leer Mas
Our baby has grown and every time shows greater maturity and adaptation to the environment in which he is, is much more awake and attentive to everything that revolves around him, wants to hear, perceive, feel and learn new things. I would like to speak,... Leer Mas
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