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Prizes for children's

Prizes for children's

The little students who go through the grading process anxiously and some with a lot of confidence because they know that their results were ideal, waiting with great motivation for the prize promised by their parents. It is very common to see today the purchase of gifts or trips from many parents to their children for good grades or those for taking dams when they do not reach the expected results.
What may be asked is how good can this type of incentives or reprisals be for children? What can it represent emotionally and behaviorally in them?
Well, according to several experts, mentioning psychologists and pedagogues, they say that it is good to praise and congratulate but never give them gifts and much less expensive trips to get good grades, this will only generate that they always want something greater, they will not be content to receive the same every year, in the same way when promising a gift or prize and not being able to fulfill it because of bad grades, it will promote the feeling of failure and frustration to see that even for a motivation of their parents when giving a gift, they can get The craved notes.
Studying and growing academically, is an obligation and is part of what should be done as a person, given this, it is important to recognize their achievements as well as support them in their failures and mistakes, orienting them to recognize the cause of their failure or that of Your triumphs
Given the good results, a family celebration with a good dinner, an outing or a movie, are ways to show that their parents are proud of their discipline and perseverance, but giving material gifts only encourages the accomplishment or achievement of goals for the The need to obtain something material, blurring the purpose of their learning in children and achieving personal goals in the face of their personal growth.
Now, the punishments in the face of bad final results must be supported in several aspects, such as the reason or the cause. If the behavior has not been the best during the year
and it was difficult for them to have discipline when doing their homework, parents should evaluate how study and behavior habits are being formed at home.
But if they are constant, they do what is established and despite that they fail to meet the goals, the reason for what happened must be identified. Talk to your teacher, looking at the teaching methodology, the classroom environment, that are not victims of bullying because all these things influence children's bad learning significantly.
In this case it is not good to punish them, on the contrary, they must work their emotional part and make corrections of what affects the child, making school changes or helping them to face the different situations correctly.
Having constant communication with the instructor of the course, to be informed of their behavior and school performance, allows you to keep track of the learning to make the corrections if necessary or congratulate in case of having a good performance.

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