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6 month baby food

6 month baby food


Complementary feeding is the supply of foods other than breast milk, which complements breastfeeding.
The guide of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) states that, at 6 months of age, it is the perfect stage where psycho motor skills develop to be able to eat and swallow safely, for this reason it is necessary to wait until this age that The baby's organism has matured in its neurological and gastrointestinal areas.
During its inception, it should be prudent with the food supply considering that not all are appropriate for their age, to digest or swallow, so it is recommended to be clear in the amount, type of food, consistency, so as not to affect digestive maturation and baby's kidney.
Within this process, it is important to use the spoon as a means of suction that allows you to relate it to breastfeeding when sucking, although the type of suction is different will gradually adapt to the new procedure. This introduction of new foods should be gradual and according to the gastric capacity of the baby, which is related to age.
To start this new process, you must generate specific time and time routines, sit them in an appropriate place to eat like a highchair that goes with your size, allow you to experiment with your hands, it is a good start for you to know new textures, you can use an extra large bib that will be of great help to prevent staining or damaging your clothes with food.
At this age of 6 months of age, it is recommended to choose gluten-free cereals, so as not to cause intolerances to this type of protein. The fruits in porridge are a great vitamin intake and are important in the baby's diet, such as apple, pear, then it can be supplemented with bananas and plums.
This type of food allows you to develop the baby's sense of taste, differentiating acidic flavors and gradually recognizing your favorites. Peach and strawberries are not the best fruits to start, these should be given to consume, only until the first year of age.
The 6-month-old baby can be given several foods but always gradually and one at a time to be able to detect the baby's reaction to the assimilation or if in some cases he can become allergic to any of its components, the baby can You can give me meat, chicken, eggs and legumes, because of its high iron content they will be of great benefit, but it is better to always give it pureed and well cooked, although if you should limit it, the consumption of fish, for its high level of mercury .
Each food should be carefully taken care of in salt or sugar since the kidneys of the babies are not mature enough to process the salt or any type of condiments, in the same way it should not be supplied with commercial sugars or juices.

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