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Learning areas in babies

Learning areas in babies

According to studies, many of the skills in children are innate, such as learning to sit, talk, walk, crawl, sit, but some are learned during the educational processes at home. It is important that children from small are generated activities that encourage their learning based on the development of their age and according to the capacities they show as they grow.
Within these stimuli, the need must be taken into account in different areas such as:
-Emotional Development: important aspect that should be encouraged and taught to drive, emotion management conditions children to become more stable during their life, these emotions are based on the treatment during their first two years of age, all received During their first two years, the rest of their childhood are decisive for emotional stability.
-Visual development: the stimuli generated will be developed will develop greater learning capacity and better visual functioning, since they are born | Children use their vision to capture their environment, capturing shapes, colors, movements around them, the stimuli that are made allow the baby to develop proper eye and hand coordination, as well as a greater ability to recognize and remember things that watch
-Language development: a fundamental area, which should be promoted from birth, the communication of babies is manifested from birth, expressing their feelings and needs in different ways. It should be stimulated with songs, stories, music and a lot of communication from the parents, where the varied gestures and sounds or words with different accents should be present.
-Touch: touch is a fundamental area of ​​learning and is the sense that is most developed at birth, through the hands, fingers, feet and mouth perceive multiple sensations, being the receptors of your skin that provide the necessary information to know better the body and what revolves around it. The contact with different textures, the sensory experiences, will develop your vocabulary, and you will understand that it is smooth, soft or corrugated, cold and soft.
-Fine motor development: a fundamental area for the baby to learn to grab, squeeze, throw and catch, these initial processes are what lead to a good learning of writing. To stimulate it you should use toys that you can squeeze and have sounds. As the use of the clamp grows, it must be applied, through the use of triangular colors or crayons to start scribbling, they will be very useful to develop your learning.

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