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If you make a promise to a child, keep it

If you make a promise to a child, keep it


The promises are customs that parents have as a means of incentive or motivation for their children in the face of any particular event, what must be taken into account is that every promise made to a child, generates expectations of receiving them , the confidence that their parents will fulfill it, is a means of attachment and credibility for them.
Examples of this would be, "if you behave well, I will take you to eat ice cream", or "we go on a trip", or "let's go for a walk", what is not taken into account many times is that these types of promises are important to fulfill them and not let them pass as if it were not something transcendental.
What is ignored, is what this can cause and represent in the confidence of the children towards their parents, when these promises are not fulfilled, they are simply being diminished, ignoring the hope they had in that promise, they are being sent a clear information that unconsciously, is staying in them generating little credibility towards what their parents say, they are created a feeling of disappointment, frustration and more when it happens repetitively, it creates in the child's memory a position of not believing, of being skeptical of their parents.
This is a programming of a position of remoteness and of feeling unimportant so that those promises are fulfilled, feeling many times that they cannot count on their parents, losing validity of their word.
For this reason, it is better to think very well before speaking, to have the full security that can be fulfilled or if it is not better to say nothing, because the words of their parents are everything to them and they take it in a meaningful way.
Although it is important to keep in mind that you cannot always have control of all situations or things that may happen, since unforeseen events can happen, you should talk to the child in a timely manner, notify him in advance, ask for forgiveness and try to amend the mistake with a change of plan that is to his liking, but that in the end can be fulfilled, because for the children this type of promises are so significant that they can cause great sadness when seeing that their parents do not fulfill them.
So before promising, one must evaluate whether the promises are realistic enough to be able to fulfill them, if it is really necessary to make that promise, what is the purpose of it and what is to be achieved.
This reflection will allow and help parents to take into account the importance of the words mentioned for children and the effects they produce.

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