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Babies - Communication Skills

Babies - Communication Skills

The seven months of the baby, begins a fantastic process of language and expression where cognitive abilities of recognition and pronunciation of sounds are generated, characterized by the different changes in their growth and cognitive ability. It covers the general processes of physical, cognitive and verbal maturation, emotional and emotional partner.
Variations that allow you to see your progress day after day more clearly and precisely within the activities you do daily.
The baby's seven months is the language stage, his gestural expressions are a fundamental part, when he does not want something, when he is upset or very happy his facial expression will show it, send kisses if taught, and applaud.
Communication is a fundamental piece for the development of language, you will always expect to be spoken, continuous dialogues will help you understand new words, understanding the movements that must be made to emit the words.
When he is told "no", he will understand it perfectly, assuming it as a warning word, but not at all he will stop doing what he is asked, since no, it is a word that his brain does not assimilate even as something he should not This is because its right hemisphere is much more developed and is related to emotions, sensations and impulses, however, the left hemisphere is more logical, it focuses on reasoning and is not the one that most uses at this age , the baby still does not have the ability to reason why something should not be done or why, he only needs to explore and discover something based on his emotions and emotional impulses and needs.
The "no" can be replaced more with sounds or facial expressions, also with words like, "take this better", "sit here is more comfortable", or explain that something can hurt or hurt.
The baby in his communicative part will start expressing himself with noises, babbling, in turn generates greater ability in his movement wanting to take everything that is around him and take it to his mouth.
Constant interaction with the baby helps you increase your cognitive experiences. In this age it is normal that you want to pronounce words starting with syllables such as “pa”, “ta”, “da”, “ma”, giving name to the objects you take with the sounds you pronounce, that is why the importance of caregivers Name the objects while pointing to expand your lexicon.
This is an age of much expression that makes them much more emotional, easily sensitized, when you want something and do not have it, the most possible is that you cry or tantrum.
In his motor development, he manages to remain seated while holding for longer, looking for ways to reach things and bring them to his mouth or hit them against the surface.
Here he tries to move through the drag, his movements are usually perfected in his drag to reach some object they want, some babies lean with their hands and their belly to crawl, as some are placed in four, on their knees and hands since Your muscles are much firmer.
Part of the baby's development at this age is that they understand the cause and effect relationship, such as passing a toy from one hand to another, but more by reflection, throwing away an object and recognizing when it falls to the ground, identifying its sound
Explore in detail the shape and texture of an object observing it with greater precision, which allows the recognition of the things that are in its environment, for this reason it is very normal that you want to manipulate every thing that is in your way.

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