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Children must reach during their growth stage an optimal adaptation to the environment that surrounds them, this can be reflected in how they play, communicate, learn and act. When these aspects are altered it may be due to hearing problems or pathologies... Leer Mas
Clinically detecting scoliosis in infants is the usual, but there are many parents who can notice it by observing the small anomalies in their child's body; it is not something obvious, it requires a little good eye, but if you have no idea how to detect... Leer Mas
In Spanish dramatics there are numerous terms and writing rules, which show the complexity of the Spanish language. When inquiring about the linguistic phenomena of the language, we can mention: laísmo and leísmo. The term laísmo is defined as a... Leer Mas
It doesn't get any happier than being in the sweet wait and then welcoming a child, but it can also become a bit stressful if parents are not prepared for such a special event. So if you are a new mom and dad you will find here the most important tips you... Leer Mas
Sow the seed of the new baby brother or sister in your child, water it with a lot of patience and make love germinate in your heart for this tender being that will become your life companion. Families sometimes face difficulties with the arrival of a... Leer Mas
Immersing babies in water from a very young age stimulates their sensory system, oxygenates their blood and activates their motor skills, but that's not all, swimming has many more benefits, let's see what it's all about. Swimming is one of the most... Leer Mas
Affective relationships at home are crucial to strengthen skills in children, so if your intention is to contribute to their personal development you must instill the mix of values that involves companionship. It is proper for children to support each... Leer Mas
Like little sponges in the brain that expand and feed, bilingualism promotes brain plasticity in babies, which is nothing more than progressive stimulation for neuronal development, that is, in this case, to strengthen learning through constant interaction... Leer Mas
Surely you are dying of anxiety to discover how to communicate with your baby, seeing his face for the first time, besides being an incomparable emotion, it will also be gratifying to be able to understand him by deciphering his gestural language. Imagine... Leer Mas
In general, children scratch when they feel they have a pimple, some of them because of bites, do not tolerate the itching and scratch, but there is a percentage of children who may suffer from strong attacks known as Dermatilomania. It is the need to... Leer Mas
Children learn very quickly everything they are taught, their way of understanding things is not the same way an adult understands. They learn from innocence, so they will believe in every word they are told. For example, if you tell a child that a... Leer Mas
Games to strengthen family unity. Family games are not only a lot of fun, it is proven that they establish bonds of family unity, being part of the best memories of our lives, where laughter, learning and healthy competition are present. During... Leer Mas
Many times we ask ourselves how do some parents make sure that their children do not have problems when eating? Beyond this, the question arises: How can I get my children to eat fruits and vegetables? The answer is simple, a child will imitate the... Leer Mas
As important as it is to take care of the physical health of our children, it is also important to take care of their emotional health, so it is very important to teach them to develop what is now known as emotional intelligence which is nothing more than... Leer Mas
Are you on the lookout for searching for the perfect place to hold a kid's party? Then you have come to the right place. Whether you want to hold a lowkey party or a grand celebration, we have got you the list of the ten best venues for organizing kids'... Leer Mas
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