Sow the seed of the new baby brother or sister in your child, water it with a lot of patience and make love germinate in your heart for this tender being that will become your life companion.
Families sometimes face difficulties with the arrival of a new member at home but this situation is normal, follow these tips and be prepared to face days of joy, laughter, teamwork and also for some gray days, as is natural.
Your little one may also share with you the excitement for the arrival of the new member, and this will be a good time for you to provide special moments where you explain to your child that this small and defenseless person will require the care and special attention of mom and dad.
Let yourselves be guided by the successful experience of others and mold your child with feelings of confidence and self-esteem, but above all, cover yourselves with a lot of understanding and patience so that the welcome and coexistence at home is truly harmonious.
How and when to tell your little one about a new child?
Introducing the idea that another baby is coming to the home, quite early in the pregnancy will allow you to gain time (months) to prepare him/her for the great adventure of being a big brother or big sister. So the form will depend on the age of the child, since it will not be the same to say it to a child under 3 years old than to one older than 5 years old.
Keep in mind that little ones don't understand anything about the weather and will also need to adapt when the baby joins the family, so you will need to associate their arrival with a holiday to orient them. Prepare your child not only for a new life at home but also to grow up with solid values, away from pettiness and with a brilliant self-esteem.
How does a child feel with the arrival of a sibling?
Children will exhibit different behaviors due to the birth of an infant in their family, from being anxious and fearful and may even have episodes of anger, going back to the time when they were tiny to demand their parents' attention.
Some children may experience feelings of jealousy towards the new child in their lives, reacting in a spoiled way to some situations. These behaviors are natural and are their way of expressing insecurity and confusion about their role in their parents' lives. Hence the importance of preparing properly to overcome all these mishaps and successfully amalgamate the little member of the family.
Prepare your little one for the arrival of a baby brother or sister
Teach your beloved offspring with much care that your family is going to grow, take the opportunity to share special moments, read stories about babies, look at pictures of when he was younger. It is also important to encourage your little one to caress the mother's belly and feel how the tiny creature moves. Remember to answer all of her questions with patience and love and even take her to the doctor to listen to the heartbeat of the little sunshine on the way.
Plan to have fun with your little one and take the opportunity to remind him how much you love him and how important his arrival in your lives was. By involving him in everything you do for your second child, teach him to learn to share love and attention with his little brother or sister.
Allow things to flow unhurriedly, take the time to build trust as an older sibling, strengthen the bonds of togetherness and promote attitudes of brotherhood, this will help your child adapt to changes in any life situation and cope with them with maturity in the future.
Where there is love, respect and trust, peace and tranquility will always reign. So let's get down to work and take on the great challenge of harmoniously blending two beings for the rest of their lives.
Congratulations, the family is growing!
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