Children having fun and learning at the same time with the practice of DIY at home and at school is a magic formula that enriches their lives and only requires a small investment of time and inventiveness.
It is incredible how much children's imagination hides, and one way to discover it is to see them working with their hands, taking advantage of everything they have within their reach and with the guidance of a person who carefully stimulates them to explore other confines, unveiling the range of benefits of DIY in education.
The pedagogy focused on DIY is conceived for all levels of education and should not only focus on childhood. It is about forming in children a free, reflective spirit, capable of creating effective solutions that help them make decisions and give them the necessary impulse to grow with confidence benefiting their mind, body, their family relationships and their social life.
It's time to take a walk through five important benefits of DIY in education.
- Provides an opportunity to communicate
Expressing yourself through DIY not only allows you to explore who you are, but also gives people the opportunity to create their own identity.
- Stimulates creativity
Dare! Daring to make things improves understanding. Finding ingenious solutions with objects in the environment, putting your own ideas into practice, building confidence, developing intelligence and flourishing in creativity are some of the benefits that come from DIY.
- Promotes cognitive development
DIY powerfully expands children's thinking and reasoning abilities, allowing them to acquire knowledge through learning and experience so that they are able to solve problems without major complications.
- Strengthens motor skills
Practice undoubtedly invigorates children's motor skills, sharpening their ability to perform movements with their hands and wrists. For example, it helps improve dexterity in using both hands, so the body also benefits greatly from DIY!
- Combats hyperactivity
Channeling children's intense energy through DIY is an interesting strategy, since this activity not only keeps them busy, but also allows them to learn while being entertained.
DIY is not used only to discover or develop artistic skills in children, to kill time, or to engage only in art-related activities. Do-it-yourself goes much further than a recreational activity, it aims to develop the ingenuity and decision making necessary in all facets of life, which is why more and more educational institutions have rightly agreed to transform themselves into DIY spaces.
It is clear that DIY brings great benefits in transformative education, since imagination sometimes lies dormant on its laurels and needs to be awakened to discover all the ingenuity that springs from the "do it yourself". So, it's time to get on board the boat of creativity and dare to navigate the interesting world of DIY for amazing benefits.
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