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The benefit of swimming lessons for babies

The benefit of swimming lessons for babies

Immersing babies in water from a very young age stimulates their sensory system, oxygenates their blood and activates their motor skills, but that's not all, swimming has many more benefits, let's see what it's all about.

Swimming is one of the most fun early stimulation activities for newborns, combining physical exercise with play and pleasure; perfect ingredients for their health and well-being.

Contact with water in a pool can not only help your child develop stronger physical skills, but it also boosts their self-esteem.

Newborns are ready for their first water exercises as soon as they are born; however, it is important to know that they do not have a strong immune system and are not yet able to regulate their body temperature, so it is important to know when they can learn to swim.

At what age is it advisable for babies to swim?

Pediatricians recommend parents to keep their children away from chlorinated pools until they are 6 months old because of their delicate immune system. But this does not mean that before that period the little ones cannot venture into the water, on the contrary, introducing them from 2 months old to the water to splash and float on their backs will help them overcome their fears so that later on they can experience the wonderful adventure of learning to swim.

Younger babies can be taught swimming skills, but this will in no way make them stand up for themselves in the pool, even with swimming lessons - a child should always be supervised by an adult at all times while in the water!

Most baby swimming lessons programs are aimed at children over 1 year old, since they basically aim to practice adaptation, floating and displacement exercises, in addition to promoting their safety in the water.

Benefits of swimming for babies

✓ Early swimming lessons extend physical and cognitive skills beyond infancy; in addition to promoting efficient muscle development and control.

✓ Strengthens their cardio respiratory and immune systems.

✓ Promotes an increase in infants' IQ. A study revealed that toddlers between 2 and 3 months old who were taught swimming developed many more skills compared to children who were not taught.

✓ Builds confidence, produces greater self-control and improves self-esteem.

✓ Improves motor skills, coordination and balance.

✓ Promotes appetite and sleep patterns.

Start your baby on a recreational practice

✓ Make sure the water temperature is just right. (Between 35 and 37 degrees Celsius for newborns).

✓ Keeping within arm's reach of your baby at all times is paramount.

✓ Start the adventure in a bathtub, pool or inflatable with 5-minute sessions in the water, followed by 5 minutes out until you reach 20 in the water. Do not exceed this time! If he starts to shiver, take him out quickly and cover him with a towel.

✓ Keep your creature in constant motion in the water, moving it close to your body, talk to it, praise it constantly and, finally have fun.

✓ Rinse the chlorinated water off his little body and apply some moisturizer to prevent dryness.


Make sure the first contact with water is a safe and pleasant experience for your little one. Create a rewarding and fun moment; submerge the baby little by little by first getting his feet wet, then his legs, and remember to hold him gently.

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