It doesn't get any happier than being in the sweet wait and then welcoming a child, but it can also become a bit stressful if parents are not prepared for such a special event. So if you are a new mom and dad you will find here the most important tips you need to know to successfully take on your new role.
Becoming parents will make you live a wonderful experience, knowing that a new being is on the way who will be loved beyond measure, will undoubtedly be extraordinary. And even if you have the best preparations, you may have to adjust your plans during the transition.
It is complex to become a mom and dad in these times when information floods you from all sides, but it will be convenient to discern and look for a middle ground that will allow you to gain security and confidence.
Practical tips for new moms and dads
● Take turns to sleep especially in the newborn's sleeping hours, rest as much as possible since to a large extent that will largely depend on their mood.
● Keep your baby safe while sleeping, make sure they sleep on their back (supine), avoid face down sleeping position (early) and watch them when they are on their side (lateral decubitus).
● Never wake your baby from his sleep bubble, not even to nurse him, there is no more comforting and enriching nourishment than those marathon sleeps they go through the first days after birth. Do not accustom them to sleep in absolute silence to avoid being woken up by the slightest noise.
● Express all the love you have for your child, hold him, embrace him, feel his heartbeat, laugh, lull him with songs and get lost in his smile.
● Find a parenting philosophy based on the experience of your friends or family, but don't be too closed off, today you must learn to be flexible and try things that may be discarded later. But having plans and organization adds value to the big challenge of the baby's arrival.
● Take advantage of any help you are offered, as long as you can count on someone with experience, and take advantage of this time to go for a walk to clear your mind.
● Don't let fatigue, fear and doubt take away the joy that comes with the arrival of that little loved one in your life. The childhood years go by so quickly and when your child grows up you will want to rock him or her back into your arms with as much cuddling as possible.
● Keep in mind that all tasks will be easier if you work as a couple. Both father and mother can perform the same tasks, except breastfeeding; although both can bottle-feed.
● Last but not least do not forget to visit the pediatrician periodically and follow his advice and recommendations.
It is natural for new parents to feel overwhelmed and fearful about the new responsibility they are facing. Imagine that you are on a train and sometimes you stop at some stops to get what your baby needs, besides that you will need to maintain speed to avoid derailing and successfully reach your destination, which is none other than to provide the necessary tools to develop all the physical, mental and social skills for the complex journey of life.
Life is wonderful, congratulations for this new being that will brighten your days of love, peace and sometimes cloud them with uncertainty and fears!
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