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5 tips to overcome fear of tests in children

5 tips to overcome fear of tests in children

Many parents are often filled with dread at the impending challenge of facing a test for their little one, but it is natural for both parents and children to feel overwhelmed by the tension that can lead to doubt and uncertainty. However, this feeling of fear is not a bad thing to die for and, it's totally normal when it comes to the well-being of the world's most genuine love, mom and dad's ever-present little creature.

Today's task is to help overcome the fear of tests for the little ones, for which it will be essential to count on the work of the parents prior to the tests to progressively curb the strong tension that this produces in the little ones of the house.

Subjecting children to a medical test will always require parental support to reassure and generate security, making it clear that they should not always be there to calm their fears, but that they should learn to control their panic on their own in order to develop the self-control so necessary in many daily circumstances. If parents build confidence little by little and with solid foundations, children will learn to get through the vicissitudes of life without complications.

Here are five simple and practical tips that can help you when faced with the imminent need to test your children

  1. Teach them to be in charge of their emotions in pressing situations.
  2. Help your child talk about what scares him or her and provide reassurance.
  3. Praise and be patient with your child by helping him feel more courageous.
  4. Educate your child not to be afraid of fears as they are a normal part of growing up and are part of life itself.
  5. Teach them to overcome their fears by highlighting their strengths and take the opportunity to work on their self-regulation skills so necessary to build emotional intelligence.

Building trust with your child is essential!

Letting the child know that his family believes he can face his fears, saying things like: you are being very brave, don't be afraid, it won't hurt, or you can do it, will help him feel a sense of control.

On the other hand, it is time to ring the bell and be alert, parents should avoid at all costs, transferring their own fears to the little ones; remember that many of the fears of children are derived from the environment where they grow up and the situations faced by their parents. So the best thing to do is to stay away from panic situations because that is not healthy for the child's emotional health.

It is common and completely normal for children to fear medical tests, including vaccinations and injections, so it is appropriate to help your child gradually master them.

You should talk to your child about his fears so that he learns to face them and overcome them courageously, without the need to rush, pressure or force him to face them. Handle the situation with kid gloves and offer comfort if necessary; remember that every human being fights his or her own inner fears in different ways.

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