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Hearing loss in children

Hearing loss in children

Children must reach during their growth stage an optimal adaptation to the environment that surrounds them, this can be reflected in how they play, communicate, learn and act. When these aspects are altered it may be due to hearing problems or pathologies that prevent the correct development of the child with the people around them.

If you suspect that the child has hearing loss, it is important to have a checkup to determine if he/she has a partial or total loss, or in the best case, that it is an incorrect suspicion and your baby is in perfect condition.

It is common for a hearing test to be performed while the newborn is still in the hospital. If the results are not favorable, it is of great importance that a complete examination be done in the first three months of life.  However, if such a test is not performed, you should pay careful attention to your baby and identify signs that could reveal important data at the time of diagnosis.

Signs of hearing loss in babies

  1. Does not react to loud sounds.
  2. Does not pay attention to the person if you call out to him/her and he/she is out of your field of vision, instead, he/she does when facing the person.
  3. Does not express simple language at the age of one year.
  4. You notice that the baby hears some sounds, but not others.

Signs of hearing loss in infants

  1. Starts his language at a late age, also, his vocabulary is not fluent.
  2. Often asks the person who is speaking to repeat what he said, for this, he constantly uses the expression What?
  3. Exaggeratedly turns up the volume of the TV.

All of the above signs can be warning signals, and it is essential to pay attention and determine the source of the problem with the help of a specialist, so that it can be treated as soon as possible.

When a child has hearing loss, any part of the outer, middle and inner ear can be affected. Thus, signs and symptoms vary according to each child's pathology. Therefore, treatment will be given on an individual basis.

 Some general aspects of communication development in children with hearing loss include sign language, hearing aids or cochlear implants. And in some cases, medication or surgical intervention may be required. These will help the child to express himself, developing alternatives based on family support to be included as a thinking being, able to establish relationships with a social environment.

Screening for hearing loss

To establish a diagnosis, a series of tests must be performed to determine the hearing problem present. These tests may vary according to the complexity of the child's pathology.

Based on the results, the physician will be able to give an appropriate diagnosis and address techniques, interventions or treatment. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to accept that their child has hearing problems, but it is essential for the child's treatment that they receive full family support and learn to cope with the condition.

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