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Gifts for babies

Gifts for babies

When you are going to buy a gift, you should think about what utility is going to be given to that gift, if it is feasible for the family and if it is something that the baby will enjoy. But how to know what gift can be useful for a 10 month baby? Here we will give the indications of what can become more useful and of great benefit for the development of the baby.

At this age, you need objects that help you develop all your skills to the fullest, buying clothes is a choice of many, but it is a risk that when you put it on it is just, very large or possibly not according to the mother's taste, for That is why baby toys will always be the best option and will never be left over, besides there is no need to spend a lot of money on very sophisticated objects, the idea is to buy what fits the baby's need to encourage their learning.
For example, the games of forms, knowing and recognizing where each card should fit, will help to solve problems, stimulate their fine motor skills and manual vision coordination, these games never go out of style and there are many models of different colors that You will surely love it.
This is an age where some babies stand, for this reason the push toys will be a good learning tool and a great stimulus to strengthen your muscles that are what will allow you to have a good march.
The Games with animal sounds, will be of great help to mentally classify types of animals with their corresponding sounds, will help their language, their memory and sharpen their hearing.
Musical instruments, such as xylophones, pianos, music mats or games that have music, are essential and great for developing your hearing in the face of the recognition of serious and high-pitched sounds.
Toy phones, a good communication element that will encourage your language and ability to express yourself through different accents that are usually used to greet, say something or say goodbye, is a perfect game at this age.
Wooden blocks, stacking is a method that allows you to strengthen your manual visor coordination, and although you cannot build a tower of 20 chips, the games to make towers are very good for the concentration and development of fine motor skills. In addition, having contact with the blocks will allow you to have a recognition of textures and shapes through touch and vision.
Balls, balls of colors and different sizes are also very useful, and of great benefit, the colors will stimulate it and it will also motivate you to stand up to try to hit it with your foot, they will always be functional, and can be combined in the Gift with balls of various colors and sizes.
Textures books, these books are excellent for developing sensory stimuli, which allow him to send information to the child's nervous system through the senses for the development of his perception, memory and attention, so this game will be a very good choice of present.
Story book, the stories are fundamental for them, the ideal is to have more image than text, this will not only be a good gift for the baby but also for the family, they will allow a time to share in quality with their parents, in addition to Create reading habits at home.

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