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1st year indicators

1st year indicators

It has been 1 year, it is becoming more independent and spends less time in its arms. At this age he began taking his first steps, and although some are already walking alone, others are so far learning. But this does not stop him to move and want to move everywhere: he wants everything to take and bring to his mouth, his curiosity increases.

At this age the movements are not stable yet, but he performs them with greater control, he is in the process of strengthening his muscles, which means that he can stand much longer. The child is supported by walls or furniture to be able to walk, he also likes to be holding the hand of his caregivers to take him to explore throughout the house.
This is a stage where you will want to eat alone and your best tool to do so will be the hands. Feeling the textures of the food will stimulate your senses making you enjoy your food much more, just as it is important to teach you to take the spoon since this is also part of your motor development.
An excellent exercise for muscle strengthening is when you drag chairs, toys or any object in its path. It will help you to walk better and improve your walking over time.
You can also buy toys that are the size of the baby you can drag, it will be a good game for him.
He will like to store toys, put them in the box and take them out, he will be attracted to toys with colored geometric figures, where he can put them in holes and can take them out again, in addition to being an excellent game for manual viso coordination, it will stimulate his intelligence and concentration.
It will also hit objects on top of each other, stack them and make towers with wooden blocks, although these towers are not very high, you will like to tear them down and throw them away.
It is an excellent stage of exploration in every way where you should take full advantage to learn and develop skills.
At this age the growth is much slower, its height can be about 80 cm approximately and it will weigh about 10kg. His diet will change and his appetite will be reduced, he acquires the ability to choose what he wants to eat or not, some days he will eat more and others will not want to eat much. It is not a cause for concern.
The 1-year-old baby already pronounces some words like "mom" or "dad" and will try to say some simple words, like "water" or "I want" and as he grows older he will know and learn new words.

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