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Child Constipation - What to do?

Child Constipation - What to do?

In the first months of life, the baby is assimilating a series of general processes that lead him to be part of a normal adaptation, where they can present problems in some areas, the important thing is that the parents can identify the needs of the baby without alarm.

If the baby does not poop, not always that he stops making his bowel movements, it means that there is a problem, or that he may suffer from constipation.
The infant that feeds on breast milk is not very common that constipates, since the mother's milk helps the maturation of the intestine, developing bacteria that allow water retention, which causes the poop to soften, facilitating defecation
From 0 to 3 months of age you can perform your bowel movements several times a day or only once, after 3 months you can increase, being much more frequent, some babies can poop after each take.
When they turn 4 months to 6 months, they have started with another type of diet may change their deposition, be much more solid and their appearance and smell are different. Deposits can be made only once or several times a day, as well as day in between, depending on the food you are receiving.
Babies who drink artificial milk may have problems with constipation, since there is a decrease in bowel movement, this is because some babies find it difficult to assimilate this type of milk, which makes the stools they make have a color greenish and be much thicker
But if the baby after several days fails to defecate, and has discomfort, shows that it hurts and his stomach is hard and inflamed, it is better to consult with a pediatrician.
To determine if the baby is constipated, it must be clear that constipation is not the delay in defecation but rather, when pooping, there is a great effort since its consistency is hard and it hurts.
When the child wants to poop, but he can't, he will have colic, his stomach will harden and he will shrink his legs, so much so that the pain and crying make him contract the anus and it is much more difficult to defecate.
In these cases, porting is a very good option, since being in an upright position will help relieve colic, your legs may flex a little so that you can relax your anus, your gases are expelled and you can defecate.
Giving you some gentle massages in small circles from the navel and then going through the entire stomach, clockwise, will help you in the same way.
With a warm water bath you can relax your anus, along with performing a massage in your stomach, while in the tub, you will be able to expel gas, relieve pain.
It is important to consult your pediatrician to determine what may be the cause of the delay in defecation and if there is a need for suppositories.

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