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When children are born they present a unique fragility in their bones and tendons, they do not yet have enough strength to withstand sudden movements, much less to support their own weight. During childbirth they suffer a pressure in their spine of up to... Leer Mas
Part of parenting is developing habits in children that allow them to have stable patterns in their behavior. If we repeat the same activities many times daily with them, it will help the children to be organized with their time and with the things they... Leer Mas
  When children start to speak, it is practically a challenge for them to be able to pronounce the words correctly, so the help of parents is vital for their proper development. The key is to create a language environment at home that is right for him.... Leer Mas
    Many times we assume that if we hold our babies for too long we spoil them. Those who have not heard say "better not carry them so much because they get used to it", "let them cry so that they do not become so attached to you" and although these... Leer Mas
  There is nothing better than to give our little ones a surprise that makes them get out of the routine, the motivation and joy expressed in their faces fills us with happiness and satisfaction. We know that routine is fundamental in the formation of... Leer Mas
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), is known, as the power that the word has in the brain of children, what we pronounce and communicate to them on a daily basis, will definitely have a great effect on the behavior patterns of our children. Therefore, the... Leer Mas
If there is something that has shown us the confinement that we have experienced in recent months in the need to change our consumption habits to achieve a better world. Without a doubt, the streets of cities like Madrid or Barcelona without their... Leer Mas
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful processes that a woman can experience, those sensations during this process make the nine months of waiting a unique and unforgettable moment. And although we do not fully understand what is happening in there, it is... Leer Mas
All children are curious by nature, from birth they are interested in the environment around them, at each stage children demonstrate a need to learn something new. The appropriate stimuli that are developed according to their stage, are important to... Leer Mas
During the time that we are at home, it is important to reflect on the foods that we consume daily, a healthy diet will help our immune system to be strengthened and the necessary vitamins and minerals are acquired for the proper functioning of our body.... Leer Mas
The purees are fabulous and perfect to implement within the complementary diet of our children, these rich purees can be included from 5 months of age, being an important food for the development of the child, so the variety will be essential. Purees are... Leer Mas
Who was going to tell us at the beginning of the year that we would be confined at home for so long? Not many would have guessed right but the reality is that it was and little by little it will remain as a strange memory of the past. Each one will... Leer Mas
Our children are being part of the technological world, everything that surrounds them determines the fact of living with technology, new teaching methods, the way they invest their free time and so on, make children from their young age make use of... Leer Mas
Boredom is a very common and normal thing that occurs in children, but this is not entirely negative, since it can be used as a means of growth and creative development. Boredom can be termed as a wake-up call that allows children to recognize what they... Leer Mas
We love to watch our kids constantly play and have fun, but there are times when they definitely don't want to sit still. Which is the reason? This can happen, due to the different environmental stimuli that children receive on a daily basis, which cause... Leer Mas
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