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Walkers and their disadvantages

Walkers and their disadvantages


Walkers in times past were an indispensable tool and a fundamental part of children's learning when walking, over the years some disadvantages that this has in the psychomotor development of children have been discovered.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, walkers do not help children to walk quickly, much less to achieve a good gait, because according to research, it prevents the child's muscles from developing properly, causing babies to walk sideways, avoiding natural movement when walking, preventing the mobility of the arms which is what allows them to obtain the balance they need, for this reason, pediatricians, physical therapists, doctors, prohibit the walker as a means of learning to walk, if you want to give it Use this item, it should be done more as a game, but it should not be left for a long time and always be supervised.

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, walkers must have safety regulations and children must always be accompanied by an adult to avoid accidents on stairs or slippery floors.

Disadvantages of walkers:

-They do not teach to walk, although it seems an easy and practical way, on the contrary, it generates a learning of drag with the feet but not an adequate learning to achieve walking.

-It negatively affects development: When they are learning to walk, it is important to generate stimuli that promote the development of the baby's legs, strengthen the muscles of the back and teach the child how to execute the appropriate movements to have a good walk, with the walker this development is limited since he is not working all the muscles necessary to be able to walk, affecting the proper learning of walking.

-Walkers can be a source of accidents: Although many parents use them as toys for their children, it can be dangerous since the child, when learning to use it, improper handling can cause falls.

-It impairs motor development: for the child to be able to walk, psychomotor skills are needed where not only the legs are used, but their back and hips must be ready to be able to walk, being in the walker their body will not work comprehensive form.

To teach them to walk, it is much better to give them a drumstick, or a toy with wheels, as a support so that they can stand and move, allowing them to obtain a good balance and good psychomotor coordination.

Taking them by the hands and putting them for a walk will help them gain security, it will allow them to know the environment in which they move to tread with greater confidence, where little by little they will be able to strengthen their main muscles until they can walk on their own.

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