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Book: Sergio and Piti are adopted

Book: Sergio and Piti are adopted


The world of family, parenting or babies is full of content within our reach. Whether on video, through blogs, books or movies, it is difficult to find a topic that has not been written much already. But today we have come across one of those books that make you stop what you are doing to pay full attention to it.


But first, let us put you in context: Oscar and Vicente are Sergio's parents. Piti is Sergio's stuffed toy and both were adopted together.


Piti, then, becomes the narrator who will guide us through this story: a true story of adoption. Written with great love and told so that the little ones understand that there are families that are made up in different ways, we will go through the adoption process, the arrival home and, ultimately, be spectators of how a family is born.


That is the magic of the book, playing a subject normally full of hoaxes and false myths such as adoption and putting the magnifying glass on the most beautiful aspects that surround it, and that is that Piti tells us how he and Sergio were connected to Oscar and Vicente by a red thread, invisible to the world, that predestined them to know each other: the illusion of parents and the hope of a child waiting to be adopted and thus start a family.


In addition, it is not only a book with beautiful content, it is also surrounded by beautiful social work: 100% of the profits go to the “Dreaming Awake” foundation that works for and for the supervised children who live in residences in minors, present in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. They are children who, for various reasons, have had to be separated from their families and have been protected by the state.


When you want more, you should know that Oscar, Vicente and Sergio tell their day to day on the Instagram account @ Nuestro.hilo.rojo

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