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Tips to develop language in the little ones!

Tips to develop language in the little ones!


When children start to speak, it is practically a challenge for them to be able to pronounce the words correctly, so the help of parents is vital for their proper development. The key is to create a language environment at home that is right for him.

Below, we will give you some tips that you can apply daily that will allow you to see excellent results in language learning in your children.

1. Speak slowly and clearly: Proper gesturing when speaking is essential because it allows the child to learn the correct way to use the lips and tongue to pronounce the words. When spoken slowly and clearly, it is easier to recognize the sounds and the accentuation of each word.

2. Use vocabulary that is appropriate for their age: Children are learning, so the level of pronunciation requirement must be appropriate to their need for learning.

3. Replace the words the child uses for the right ones: It is normal that he is not understood much when he speaks, but, not motivating him to make an effort to pronounce will keep him in a comfort zone that will only weaken his process, that's why When he says a word incorrectly, just repeat the appropriate way to pronounce it many times, you can do it melodically, with an accent or intonation to make it more fun and much easier for him to remember the word and its sounds.

4. Do not use diminutives: Speaking with diminutives does not allow the child to develop his language properly and makes him change the perspective of the things that are in his environment, weakening his process.

5. Have conversations with your baby without having external noises that interrupt or distract them: Having times alone where they can express everything they think and feel is a way of stimulating speech from emotion and individual feeling, which it will produce a much greater learning effect.

6. Prepare the environment where they operate: Let them play freely and prepare the environment with toys, objects that they can manipulate, as well as adapt spaces where they can move safely, this will help them to acquire language.

7. Ask questions: Asking questions such as, do you want to play with the ball or better with the puzzle ?, will give the child guidelines to pronounce the names of things and learn about the structure of the questions.

8. Sing with them: This exercise is definitely the best, since it is proven that the words accompanied with musical rhythm allow the child to have a greater memory of the pronunciation of the words.

9. Tell them stories: Try that the stories you read are loaded with many images so that as they are read, the child can relate them to the story, so it will be easier to repeat the words and memorize the story and then tell it. .

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