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At what age should babies start brushing their teeth?

At what age should babies start brushing their teeth?

Although there is no exact age, it is necessary to detail some basic aspects to take care of the oral hygiene of your little ones.

Oral hygiene of babies should start from the first month of life, it is very simple, with a gauze wrapped on your finger, moistened with clean water, it should be gently passed through the gums. Starting from this age allows children to acquire oral cleaning habits so that, when the brushing stage is reached, they do not present discomfort (on the contrary they enjoy it).

As soon as the first teeth start to sprout, you can do the cleaning with a soft brush, brushing from the bottom out slowly so as not to hurt them and guarantee that the teeth are clean.

The important thing is not to stress the baby or force it so that it is not something negative or annoying for him. It is better to remain calm always, having a lot of patience. Try to make this moment fun; You can talk to him with different tones of voice or through games so that he learns it as something pleasant and fun.

What ages are suitable for using toothpaste?
The Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends the use of children's toothpaste until at least 6 years of age. It has long been thought that toothpaste can be harmful to children due to its fluorine content, so it is advisable to only use it after two years, following the recommendations that we will give below.

- Children from 2 years: Toothpaste must have a fluorine concentration of 1000 ppm, very little should be applied, almost nothing.

- 3 years to 6 years: Toothpaste must have a fluorine concentration of 1000 ppm to 1450 ppm. When applying to the brush, the amount should only be the size of a pea grain.

- Children over 6 years: It should have a fluorine concentration of 1450 ppm and when brushing it, it should be approximately less than a bean.

The most difficult thing for them is to spit, being common that in the process they swallow toothpaste producing stomach upset. For this reason, it is advisable to follow the aforementioned instructions. In addition, fluoride in larger amounts could affect the definitive teeth, causing them to come out stained, producing abnormalities in the oral cavity.

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