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Behavior and characteristics of a 3-year-old boy.

Behavior and characteristics of a 3-year-old boy.


It is fabulous to see how children change at this age, they have definitely gone from being babies to being children, but not only physically but also cognitively and in the way they begin to behave. Here begins the definition of his personality generating great changes in his character, way of behaving, showing new skills acquired during his development

-They can carry out several activities at the same time: talking, running, playing, eating without having to focus on a single activity, they absorb much more information when learning anything, they have more facility in structuring the information they are given Sends, they initiate a stage of unique mental and motor agility that is worth taking advantage of.

-Thanks to the agility that they have acquired to do things, they are much more independent from their parents, they want fewer orders and they want to decide for themselves their clothes, their food, being more demanding in asking for spaces for games, times for family sharing, etc.

-At this stage they are easily frustrated by not being able to do anything when things do not happen as they want, and it will also be difficult for them to share toys and so on.

-This is an ideal stage to promote social behaviors, allowing them to relate to different children, talking about their lived experiences and listening to what others do, allowing them to expand their vocabulary and perspective on life.

-They grow noticeably, measuring approximately 96.5 cm when they are boys and 95cm when they are girls.

-Their weight is approximately 15.1 kg when they are boys and when they are 14.4 kg girls, taking into account that this may be variable depending on the constitution of each child and genetic inheritance.

-They operate more in their fine motor area and in the manipulation of books and pencils, their strokes are more defined and they can do more with their hands. She makes drawings with more sense, they write some letters of the alphabet, in an imprecise way.

-The autonomy increases when it comes to dressing and undressing, putting on shoes, although tying them will be difficult, they will also have greater ability to collect and order.

-The relationship with other children is vital for social development.

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