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Did you know that children need them to trust them?

Did you know that children need them to trust them?

It is important that we transmit this security to our little ones in the face of the good we think of them with our words and actions, with pampering and hugs, with continuous support and the best, with confidence.

Trust is important to reinforce it in them, that's why, we want to share with you the following steps so that you can carry them out with your little ones:

-Building confidence with words: For children it is important to know what their parents think of them, so it is important to praise them with our words, to congratulate them, to say I trust you, I think you can do it and you will do it very well, it will give them that self-confidence and what they can achieve.

-Support: Support helps the child to develop conflict resolution skills, feeling supported will lead him to have greater capacity in decision-making, being much more assertive and even when he is wrong it will not produce frustration because he will know that the The greatest achievement was the learning he obtained.

-Allow you to decide for yourself: Many times as parents we want to avoid pain for our children by taking us to an overprotective state, wanting to make decisions for them, but this is not a positive thing since the child will assume it as a message of mistrust, of "I can't do it alone, that's why my parents do it." For this reason it is important that as children we allow them to choose some things according to their age, such as choosing the clothes they are going to wear, what they want to play and where, this will help them develop their self-confidence and autonomy.

-Make the best of each situation: Despite the adverse situations that the child may face, guide him to see the positive side of things, that he always has the best smile and that he can trust himself that he can achieve and achieve whatever he sets out to do, guiding him to always draw a conclusion from what he has learned.

-Support what she likes to do the most: Support her in the things she likes to do and try to have various activities that develop her skills and make her happy, likewise stipulate a certain time to participate in some of her activities.

-Train it in empathy: Teaching him the value of empathy by helping others to consider and understand others, will allow him to have a different conviction about himself and the impact he can generate on others with small actions, making him feel valuable and to see others as valuable.

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