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Pasos para enseñarle a los niños a que sean ordenados

Pasos para enseñarle a los niños a que sean ordenados

Part of parenting is developing habits in children that allow them to have stable patterns in their behavior. If we repeat the same activities many times daily with them, it will help the children to be organized with their time and with the things they do.

Possibly, you are tired of telling your child to pick up toys after playing, that things should not be left lying around, it is part of the house rules. The question is, why do you have trouble obeying?

The main thing is to generate specific activities at home in a disciplined way and without being permissive against what is said and established as a norm. So read carefully what we will mention below:

1. The demands that are given to the child have to be adapted to their age, with realistic objectives that make it easy to execute them and meet the established objectives.

2. Have clear rules at home: If today you say one thing and tomorrow another, surely the child will not take with importance the things that he must do, he must be firm with the obligations that are demanded, only then will he learn to have life habits .

3. Be clear when giving an order: You must be clear in what you ask or tell him what to do, the way he is spoken must be appropriate to his age, if he is a 2-year-old child and you give three orders to At the same time, it will surely not comply with everything you ask of it or it will leave everything half-finished.

4. Acknowledge the accomplishments of the day: Saying great, you did excellent! I'm proud of you! They will be valuable rewards for him.

5. Teach her by showing her a before and after: if the room is messy, show her before you organize all the mess she has and allow her to see the difference after organizing, this will give her a degree of satisfaction for her achievement.

6. Teach him to finish what he begins: Try not to give him orders or make him leave something he is doing just to fulfill you, this will not help him to have habits but he will get used to not finishing what he begins, these types of actions favor dispersion and fickleness, so always motivate him to finish what he's doing first so he can start another activity.

7. Be an example: Parents are role models and examples for their children, but keep in mind that nobody is perfect and it is something that children must understand, we cannot demand perfection from our children in everything they do since we cannot be Perfect, so recognizing our mistakes will teach them humility and they will understand that the efforts are valid and little by little they will lead us to be better every day.

8. Teach him in a friendly and fun way: It is clear that we must be firm, but the idea is that the daily routines do not see them with discouragement, but rather he likes to carry them out, for this the motivation is important, the cheerful tones of voice will motivate him to do things in a good way and with a disposition, also remember that the way we teach you remains in your memory, if every day what we do we do with joy and happiness, so the little ones will learn.

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