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What contributions do super heroes leave to children?

What contributions do super heroes leave to children?


Super heroes play a huge role in children's brains, as these characters positively influence imaginative and social development. The Spanish Pediatric Society explains how superheroes develop language and problem-solving skills, fostering a taste for science, mathematics, and technology.

Superheroes in children represent strength and power that makes them feel somehow protected and helps them to fade their fears by changing the perspective in the face of everyday adversities and the solution they can give to those adversities.

It is clear that we must stimulate their imagination and these characters help our children to become super heroes at times, bringing a significant and enriching contribution to their character and their integral development:

-It allows them to dream and think about things they want to achieve, it helps them to set specific goals and objectives.
-Develop imagination and develop creativity.
-It fosters values ​​of help to others, respect and solidarity with others.
-Motivation in reading: By reading comic stories, it allows them to foster interest in reading, allowing a broad development in their language and in reading comprehension.

Just as the superheroes contribute positively, it is important to monitor and direct parents in all the activities that their children carry out, this accompaniment allows the child to differentiate reality with fantasy, to understand that it is only a game and imagination, of In the same way, redirecting them so that they do not imitate behaviors that may affect them in inappropriate behaviors, they must be reinforced more, in the value of superheroes, in what they can admire and accompany each teaching with morals and motivational words to be friendly, supportive and empathetic with people.

It is also important to teach them that there are real life heroes, heroes whose trades have an impact on society, these real life heroes should be mentioned on a daily basis, such as teachers, parents, doctors or different trades, which will serve as inspiration for about taking on life's challenges.

After talking or mentioning the fantasy or real super heroes, allow the child to give their opinion about what they like most about them, what is the best that each super hero has, what are their virtues, in which they look like children , who would like to learn from them.

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