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Eating with your hands can be the most wonderful experience for your babies, besides it is very useful for their learning. When it's time to grab a piece of food with your hand and bring it directly to your mouth, not only will you have fun, but it will... Leer Mas
The importance of Visual stimulation in Babies Babies when they are born are ready to learn a lot, their eyes open wanting to understand what is happening, however, their visual ability at this age is not so broad. According to the experts, it only has... Leer Mas
Sleep is vital for your babies to regain their strength and comfort themselves. A good rest will strengthen the knowledge they have acquired in their day to day and although it seems that they do little, each executed movement they perform decreases their... Leer Mas
Spring, one of the best times to share with the family, due to its cool and pleasant climate, usually falls very well especially to babies. Pediatricians recommend sunlight, because they stimulate the body of children to the production of endorphin that... Leer Mas
Security, is what you transmit to your little ones every time you play with them. The game is one of the most important stages of your babies, you will only need a few minutes to have fun and learn a lot. The game will always be important for its... Leer Mas
Part of the baby's learning is in what he feels and perceives and it is the way he assimilates the world around him, every time you have direct contact with his skin, each caress, the massage, will help to discover varied sensations that will make Learn... Leer Mas
The most anticipated moment arrived, which motivates you to continue and fills your days of great happiness: The birth of your little angel! And although joy invades you, you must keep in mind all the care children need in the first months of life. At... Leer Mas
  It is the moment in which your little one is managing to be more independent, and among so many things, you will be able to go to the bathroom alone and although it may seem difficult, there is nothing better than enjoying this stage in a practical and... Leer Mas
Importance of values The little ones who live Christmas in family promote the value of solidarity, security and unity. For example, a gift should serve to generate affective values based on giving and receiving and sharing with other children. The... Leer Mas
We really wanted to write this post and tell you all about one of our coolest products of this season. For a long time we wanted to design an article that had everything we liked about the winter and we did it! Thinking that the summer was going to end, we... Leer Mas
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