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Baby visual stimulation | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

Baby visual stimulation | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

The importance of Visual stimulation in Babies

Babies when they are born are ready to learn a lot, their eyes open wanting to understand what is happening, however, their visual ability at this age is not so broad. According to the experts, it only has 20% developed and can only perceive flashes, reflections and fix contrast points only 20 or 30 cm away and in gray scale.

What is easier to interpret is the face of the mother, when accompanied by sensations transmitted by touch, voice, heat and being in the breast feeding.

Your baby is in a stage of cerebral plasticity where it absorbs lots of information sent by you and the environment where it remains, so stimulating your vision is very important and functional for your development, besides being equipped with tools to prevent diseases.

Each stimulus sent allows you to explore your space; the eye provides them with the information of shapes, colors and everything that is around helping the eye-hand coordination, which allows you to grasp different objects, each response to the movement of the baby is facilitated by the sight that sharpens as he Small is growing, influencing learning and behavior, in addition to helping comprehensive health throughout his life.

New visual experiences improve the ability to observe, promotes spatial perception through the variety of objects you observe.

The color also influences the visual perception, and the assimilation of colors achieves it of progressive form to measure of its growth.

The colorful rooms will always be a good option, accompanied by figures and shapes, will favor the attention capacity of the children.

The things you use, such as the maxi-cosi, the stroller or the high chair, try to have the appropriate colors to stimulate it visually and according to your age. The covers with colorful and fun prints, will help to stimulate it and will make the exits much more fun.

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