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Baby care in spring | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

Baby care in spring | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

Spring, one of the best times to share with the family, due to its cool and pleasant climate, usually falls very well especially to babies.

Pediatricians recommend sunlight, because they stimulate the body of children to the production of endorphin that gives a feeling of well-being, reduces the risk of contracting diseases and infections such as influenza and activates the vitamin D of the organism that allows the assimilation of calcium to strengthen the bones of the little ones. Spring is ideal to go out with your child for a stroll in your stroller, you will enjoy outdoor time and your baby will be able to receive those sun rays you so badly need.

Of course, try that sun exposure is not direct or very long and less in babies under six months, because their skin is very delicate especially from noon to four in the afternoon, and after six months You can apply a special protector recommended by your pediatrician.

Taking him to see and meet people will promote his ability to socialize and relate to others; If you are younger than one year, you will gradually learn to relate based on observation and imitation. According to the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics, it will be the guideline so that when babies grow, they relate better and wait for shifts.

Many times there will be days of high temperature that can cause dehydration in the baby, so always carry water with you to give it frequently.

The sweat irritates your skin causing a rash, this usually happens in children under 12 months, many times they will be removed with moisturizer or with special creams for allergies, it is also recommended that they wear clothes and accessories with cotton materials and that they are breathable

Jyoko for this spring I recommend, the universal padded pouch for stroller, made of soft cotton breathable and air comfort, will isolate the heat keeping the baby at room temperature. The sweat of your little one will no longer be a nuisance in the face of high temperatures. It is also hypoallergenic, it will not cause allergies or skin irritation and your baby will always be comfortable, cool and happy!

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