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Does your baby know when something is smooth, soft or corrugated?

Does your baby know when something is smooth, soft or corrugated?

Part of the baby's learning is in what he feels and perceives and it is the way he assimilates the world around him, every time you have direct contact with his skin, each caress, the massage, will help to discover varied sensations that will make Learn more about your environment.

    The touch of the baby is the sense that is most developed at birth, through the hands, fingers, feet and mouth perceive multiple sensations and are the receptors of your skin which provide the necessary information to better understand the body and what turns around it.

In fact, the world health organization recommends contact with skin-to-skin baby, because it promotes the bond between the child and the parents, in addition to strengthening their immune system, improves their heart rate and neuronal maturation. Stimulating the curiosity of the child before new textures will favor the grip of his hands, while his perception and analysis increases when discovering new things and objects.

Having contact with the baby during the massage, will connect with the nervous areas that allow you to develop coordination and balance, or while it is in your arms and you gently stroke it in babybjorn, or in your maxi cosi it will comfort you and give you peace of mind, will feel more relaxed and will promote maternal attachment.

 Within daily life you will have multiple activities to stimulate touch, sensory experiences and contact with different textures, develop your vocabulary and understand when something is smooth, soft or corrugated and cold, something that is difficult to assimilate without the sense of touch.

Jyoko wants to be part of each process of your baby by creating products with different textures and materials that make the kids comfortable while learning and stimulate their senses, while you are at home, go out or go in your car.

The Universal Cotton Footmuff Blanket helps your babies feel very comfortable and happy, their pleasant design makes them have fun and their soft texture stimulates their easy learning.

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