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How to relieve baby's teeth | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

How to relieve baby's teeth | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

he appearance of the first teeth is one of the most important changes in children, which means that in a short time they will be able to eat foods other than milk.

At six months many begin this process, but it is not a general rule, all children are different, grow and develop at their own pace, some at 4 months already have their first tooth, others take a little longer to appear .

The exit of the teeth can be painful for most, manifesting characteristic symptoms of this stage, such as increased salivation, frequent hand sucking, redness and swelling in the gums, irritability at mealtime, need to bite everything and putting pressure on the gums.

A rubber biter is ideal if it is cooled for a short time, the cold in the gel will give a calming effect on the affected area and provide the relief that is needed.

The second option is to rub the gums with your finger gently, this will help you relax in case of pain, in case you already eat solid foods it is best to give something consistent to chew.

Another recommendation is to continuously disinfect the toys, the saliva with the passing of days will produce bacteria that affect the throat and in turn prolong the pain of the gums. When you go out for a walk with him baby, it is necessary to have a handle protector for the stroller or the car seat, when he sucks he will not have contact with the iron and will not hurt his gums.

  On this occasion Jyoko has created the Asa Covers Protective Cover, ideal to take care of the child's mouth, it fits perfectly to the stroller, to the car seat and will be safe while taking the ride that he likes so much.

So parents, enjoy this beautiful stage and when you see your first teeth, take lots of pictures and celebrate, it will be unforgettable.

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