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How to relieve back pain in pregnancy - Jyoko

How to relieve back pain in pregnancy - Jyoko

The woman when she is pregnant, usually has pains in her back and when the baby is born these discomforts can increase due to bad postures, the truth is that this must be taken care of and even prevented so as not to have major problems in the future.

Caring for the back is necessary, continuously monitoring the position adopted when picking up or cuddling the baby, standing upright when doing any activity such as playing with him or giving him a breast, also bending down must be done correctly flexing the knees with the straight back without any inclination, also avoid the sudden movements that often occur when lifting the baby from the car seat or from the cradle, here also the back must be kept erect.

The baby carriers will be a good option to prevent back pain, although these should not be used for a long time, on the contrary you must change position so that the muscles do not get tired.

When sleeping, do it on a firm mattress for the care of the vertebrae of the spine, lie down in correct positions and with a good pillow so that it does not cause discomfort in the neck.

Sleeping face up straight or sideways with knees bent and a pillow in the middle of the legs also located on the knees.

You should exercise frequently, if you have very strong pains, perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and achieve greater flexibility, it is recommended before starting and at the end of the exercises to stretch.

Good postures, stretching and exercise are a good complement to avoid lumbar pain and if they already occur, these will decrease permanently if done correctly, it is advisable that the exercises are conducted by a professional .

Do not just carry the baby in your arms or in a baby carrier, the cars are also a great help, this should be manageable, folding and comfortable for the little one and of course for peace and rest of the parents or caregivers

The Universal Padded Stroller Case, handmade with soft cotton and technical fabric, the air comfort allows your baby to be cool and very comfortable.
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