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Dream of the baby | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

Dream of the baby | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

Sleep is vital for your babies to regain their strength and comfort themselves. A good rest will strengthen the knowledge they have acquired in their day to day and although it seems that they do little, each executed movement they perform decreases their energy causing them to run out.

That is why it is important to understand the rhythm of rest that babies have since during sleep, according to experts, in the first months, sleep cooperates with the maturation processes of the central nervous system and the brain, promoting the segregation of growth hormone , which stimulates the mental and physical development of children. In the first three months, the sleep cycles are short and only one hour long, from there they begin to have much deeper dreams, sleeping up to 6 hours in a row at night.

Jyoko wants to recommend some actions you can do to get your baby to rest properly.

  • Especially the babies of months it feels very well at night a bath before bed, relax and can be cool, making sleep easier.
  • A good pajama is vital for your babies to sleep well, it is important to be comfortable and cool, so your little one will not have discomfort during the night.
  • Respect the sleep schedules you have established, ensuring that the moment before your child is sleeping, is in a quiet space, comfortable in intimacy with you, combined with some soft music, a song sung by you and if they are larger to read a story, it will be phenomenal. All this will warn you that bedtime has arrived, only if it is done continuously and repetitively.
  • At 4 months of age, babies will be able to sleep alone, it is best to place them in the crib, talk to them until they fall asleep, and little by little they will get used to sleeping without you carrying them, the time will come that only by saying goodbye will be enough that each day they will understand the exact time of their dream.
  • Give children a light but very nutritious meal before sleeping.
  • Create a routine of good rest in early childhood, basically from birth to six years of age, this will promote the proper development of children's motor and mental skills

Accompany those times of rest and make your dreams sweeter and more pleasant with the Nordic Yellow blanket from Jyoko, super soft, comfortable and very pleasant to the touch, will make your baby sleep better than ever.

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