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Learning to Eat | Baby Blog - Jyoko

Learning to Eat | Baby Blog - Jyoko

Eating with your hands can be the most wonderful experience for your babies, besides it is very useful for their learning.

When it's time to grab a piece of food with your hand and bring it directly to your mouth, not only will you have fun, but it will promote your safety, by feeling the different textures of the food, we will be a party for him.

It is more common for babies between 7 to 9 months to start eating solids as porridges or purées and allow them to explore with their hands, develop skills such as reflex grip and pincers, as well as being more independent.

 When your little one learns to eat the purees, you can add pieces of chicken, vegetables or potatoes to take with their hands, being a very good way to get him to eat some food that he does not like. His sense of exploration will make him grasp and manipulate him and if it is pleasing to his touch, much easier to assimilate his taste. It is important that in the middle of this magnificent learning, do not add distractors that can spoil the concentration in your diet, avoid having a TV nearby or toys, and although it is important that the meal is fun, avoid adding these distractors and let the fun cause it.

Remember that feeding times should be handled in an exact time, the routine allows the baby to know his time to eat, feel it in the same place and at the same time, you will encourage more easily the habit of feeding.

After 12 months you can integrate it so that you can eat together with the family sitting in the high chair and give them the same food you give them all, this will motivate you even more to eat new foods. The implementation of the food should be gradual, first simple foods to chew and when it is easy add a little more complex foods. All this according to the recommendation of your pediatrician, remember that each child is different.

At this age the time to eat is approximately 20 to 45 minutes, if your child makes many breaks and the time is not over, remove the plate and next time do not fill it up so if he is hungry he will ask for more; When you remove the plate wait for the time of your next meal, this way you will be hungry and eat faster.

It is a joy for us as parents to see how children are happy and enjoy their food, but the sensational is the multiple learning they are acquiring as the coordination of eye and hand. An exercise for this is to give them a light spoon, although they do not know how to use it, little by little, as they explore it, they will understand its usefulness and how to handle it.

Photo: Tripp Trapp mattress for Jyoko, handmade with soft cotton and air comfort will make your baby feel fresh and comfortable. This product will be your child's best companion during meal times.

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