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As you know children learn in different ways, this related to the different skills developed in them, technically called multiple intelligences, theory implemented by Howard Gardner, who ensures that there are different ways of learning. These techniques... Leer Mas
The baby carriers have multiple advantages for the psychomotor development of the little ones, having them in their arms makes them feel protected and very calm, the benefits are not only physical but emotional, the voice, the body heat the feeling of the... Leer Mas
See the baby sit is very excited, because it is growing and becoming much more independent, this is not an achievement that is obtained overnight, before getting it must learn certain motor skills that allow you finally can sit alone. According to... Leer Mas
At 2 years old the baby experiences great changes in their emotions, it is considered the age where the cries and tantrums are most present , their temperament rises when they are opposed or simply do not want to do something. At one time he is very... Leer Mas
Stimulation in pregnancy is a technique that optimizes the development of the baby through a set of activities that involves movements, vibrations and sounds, which stimulate the visual, tactile, auditory and motor area. The Spanish Association of... Leer Mas
The birth of the baby is approaching, which means that you must buy all the things you need in your first months of life, there may be many baby shops and products on the market, but you must know which are the most important elements and useful for the... Leer Mas
Los primeros pasos son una señal de que pronto los bebés lograrán caminar, al principio buscarán apoyo para poder desplazarse a distancias cortas e ir avanzando a medida que tengan más confianza sobre sí mismos y sobre el espacio donde se desenvuelven.... Leer Mas
Tickling can cause pleasant laughter and have a tender connection between parents and children, these being recognized as a mechanism of bond, social interaction and communication. After a day full of stress, pediatricians suggest playing at tickling,... Leer Mas
The affectivity in the little ones and the attention to their emotional needs have a great importance in the emotional harmony of the baby, the affection is fundamental in how the child can develop in the world, growing without fears and very sure of... Leer Mas
The woman when she is pregnant, usually has pains in her back and when the baby is born these discomforts can increase due to bad postures, the truth is that this must be taken care of and even prevented so as not to have major problems in the... Leer Mas
Many are still wondering if it is best to take the children to the road (ACM) in the car, data and research reveal the safety this gives to babies when traveling. Luckily you can find a lot of information on this method, there are many car seats in the... Leer Mas
Although babies love to be in the arms of mom and dad and feel all the affection they give them when they are in contact, parents need to have a good time to rest. The hammock is ideal for children to be a little more loose, provides comfort and their... Leer Mas
Walking the baby on a daily basis is the most recommended for its integral development, your memory will keep everything you notice, feel, the new smells, even the temperature of the climate, all those sensations that harmonize your mind and that develop... Leer Mas
The direct contact of the father with him newborn is fundamental, each caress, each look will strengthen the bond between father and son and help to understand more easily what he wants to communicate. The connection that is achieved and the quality time... Leer Mas
he appearance of the first teeth is one of the most important changes in children, which means that in a short time they will be able to eat foods other than milk. At six months many begin this process, but it is not a general rule, all children are... Leer Mas
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