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What is a baby carrier | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

What is a baby carrier | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

The baby carriers have multiple advantages for the psychomotor development of the little ones, having them in their arms makes them feel protected and very calm, the benefits are not only physical but emotional, the voice, the body heat the feeling of the heart beats when they are reclining in The breast of the mother, the continuous movement, will lead them to remember those pleasant moments when they were in the womb.

When babies are born, it is normal that they want to be close to their mother, since they are naturally recognized as part of their habitat, this closeness gives them greater security, feeling more protected and confident, they will have more facility at the time of falling asleep sleeping In depth, when feeling calm, they will cry less and will be more and more comforted.

The school of physiotherapists in Madrid recommends using ergonomic baby carriers, since they favor the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back, help to gain muscle tone, facilitate language and socialization capacity, and promote easy stimulation with continuous balancing They receive when the mother moves, the body adapts to the movement stimulating the balance, the control of the posture and at the same time they regulate the temperature, which allows them to gain weight quickly.

By feeling more well the body will function optimally, the vertical position in which they are located allows the digestive system to improve making it easier to expel gases and the process of the food that is provided.

The benefits for carriers are also many, the weight supported by the baby carrier is distributed throughout the back which allows the body to adapt easily, strengthens the muscles for proper posture, preventing back pains caused many times by having babies loaded in the arms without any support.

Mothers in the presence of their children, feel more satisfied in their motherhood and much happier, to have contact with them secrete oxytocin which facilitates the production of milk.

In the proper use of the baby carrier, it must be taken into account that the child's spine must be straight and upright, the legs must be flexed in a frog position at 90º and if the baby is newborn, the head should be well restrained.

Caring for them will be more pleasant because it will not limit the activities that are carried out daily, on the contrary they will involve the participation of each of the things that are done daily.

This type of tools can be the best element of help at home not only for mothers but also for carriers, it benefits in time and practicality for the proper care of children.

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