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How to educate a 2-year-old boy, the age of rebellion - Jyoko

How to educate a 2-year-old boy, the age of rebellion - Jyoko

At 2 years old the baby experiences great changes in their emotions, it is considered the age where the cries and tantrums are most present, their temperament rises when they are opposed or simply do not want to do something.

At one time he is very happy but then he gets in a bad mood for no reason, all these changes are part of his growth, the transition from being a baby to being a child generates multiple emotional and behavioral changes and although the child can fight for Control your bad actions before a given correction or an order sent, the impulses and feelings that you experience at this age are stronger.

The denial that he presents to certain orders, he does in part to reinforce his autonomy since he is in the age of securing his ego and the denial of certain things that he is asked to do, this is where his personality and character are formed.

This does not mean that you should accept bad behaviors or do everything the baby says, since only negative attitudes would be reinforced, making him more and more cranky, understanding incorrectly the way of communicating, blurring the roles and roles each child plays. authority like dad and mom inside the house.

Just by looking at him fixedly understanding his character before the circumstances and maintaining a positive attitude always, it will be enough to eliminate the negative attitude of the child.

The two years is an exploratory stage where he wants to know the world in its entirety without any external limits, the limits are of himself, he puts the final point before anything he is doing.

Cognitive development is broader and is consistent with their mobility, but not being so skillful in certain areas angers him a lot, constantly changing mood, can be presented in the middle of every situation loud tantrums where you want to throw things, scream or bounce down.

In the course of his stage while the child is gaining greater security, he will have the possibility of being more independent and it is in the way that he should be helped to focus those feelings and emotions in order to express them in the best way as he acquires greater maturity. To achieve this, limits must be established within the possibilities of the child in the midst of carrying out activities that allow him to continue with his sense of exploration, encouraging behavior parameters so that he can understand how far he can go with his emotional expression and temperament. It must be constant in the rules that are generated giving guidelines to express their emotions in a positive way.

When you want to give an order to the child, should not be given with interrogative words if not words that affirm the action, for example you should not say, you want to go to eat? If you do not have to replace this word with: we're going to eat.

Also flattering him when he behaves well and is obedient, when he dresses or undresses on his own, when he carries out an activity and does it without any help, this will encourage his good humor and give him greater security by being happy of the achievements, he will develop an image of yourself, your self-esteem will rise and the negative behavior will gradually disappear.

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