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You know how to help remove babies' diapers – Jyoko

You know how to help remove babies' diapers – Jyoko

One of the questions that most parents ask is how to help remove the baby's diaper, when it is right to remove it, it is usually much more difficult because there is a lack of concrete information that directly helps with this issue.

Well, this requires a lot of patience and commitment, taking into account that the best times of the year to help control sphincters babies is in spring or summer, it will be easier to remove their underwear or pants when they are at home.

The first thing is to understand that this process should be carried out calmly and without any pressure, stimulating them previously so that they naturally feel the need to leave their diapers.

This has been a maturing process, where little by little they are showing greater autonomy for the realization of their things, motivating them to choose their clothes, to change or take off their clothes alone, to learn to eat, to bathe with less help, this will give guidelines so that little by little they are more independent and autonomous, which will be easier to learn to go to the bathroom on their own.

The best way to know if they are ready is when they are showing discomfort by the diaper every time they get dirty, presenting discomfort until they want to take it off, they show interest as mom or dad pees, they wet the diaper only every three or four hours what it indicates that the muscles of the bladder can resist for longer, being a great signal for the beginning of toilet training.

In the same way it is important that before this you start talking about the subject, helping them to know the bathroom, to know a toilet, to teach them that it is pipi and that it is pooping in the most tranquil way, without any kind of stress or pressure.

Place toilets in each room or place in the house, is a good way for him to become familiar, motivating him to sit down little by little so do nothing, leaving to relate, motivating him in a fun way, will remove the fears when sitting.

The idea is to know the times in which the baby used to dirty his diaper, it is at this time that the baby should be taken to the toilet, possibly at first it will be difficult for him, because it can generate blockages and do absolutely nothing, but little a little and with much patience you can achieve it.

Giving them fluids and water more often will make the baby more attentive to the sensation of going to the bathroom, reinforcing him with questions like, do you feel like peeing ?, This will help him remember that he has a new special place to relieve himself.

Accompanying the baby when he is sitting with sounds or opening the hand wash, will allow him to associate the sound of the water with that of the pee.

The important thing is to be constant and precise in the schedules, so that little by little they acquire the habit of sitting in the toilet on their own, where in turn they will get to know their body, managing to go with more independence. Allowing them to accompany dad or mom to the bathroom will be a great stimulant of learning, since they will only want to repeat the action.

So just with a bit of perseverance perseverance, the baby will learn to go to the bathroom alone.

The Reusable Super absorbent trainer cushion will be of great help for those moments when your baby will not want to have his diaper on anymore and you want to sit on the high chair or sofa, it is a perfect and super absorbent pad that can be used In the stroller or car seats, they can accompany you at any time of day, always protecting your child's original chair.

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