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How to develop intelligence in children - Jyoko

How to develop intelligence in children - Jyoko

As you know children learn in different ways, this related to the different skills developed in them, technically called multiple intelligences, theory implemented by Howard Gardner, who ensures that there are different ways of learning.

These techniques should be initiated since babies begin to read for their school stage, through activities that are based on respect for different abilities, these individual skills depend on many intelligences that work mutually and that often little is worked.

This explains why each child is given the ability to understand some subjects more than others, part of the learning process during the whole growth revolve around their abilities and taste for something specific, you must have tools at home that promote and stimulate these skills from an early age so that when they begin their pedagogical stage, they have a clearer idea of ​​their objectives and abilities to start any task they have to perform.

Having clear and knowing what are the multiple intelligences, will give the possibility of strengthening each one of them in the children, being able to identify which is the most developed in them, these intelligences are divided in the following way.

Logical Mathematics, this skill helps with solving problems, knowing the answer or solution before verbalizing it and making it known, children who have more this intelligence, they will like games to solve mysteries, puzzles, ingenuity tests, logical exercises , make calculations, organize information, strategy games, count and play with numbers.

The Space, is an intelligence that is located on the right side of the brain and promotes the ease of orientation, reading and understanding of maps, ease of technical and architectural drawing, mentally ordering the position of objects in a given space.

The activities that will most attract attention will be to paint, draw, read maps, perform crosswords and play with legos and construction games. Surely when they grow they can be architects, pilots, engineers, cartoonists.

Linguistics, they have greater expression and writing skills, they are lovers of reading, dialogue between peers and adults, making jokes, writing in newspapers, telling poems, inventing and reading stories, being able to learn new languages, playing with words. They will be good writers, speakers or speakers.

The Musical, is recognized because it has greater sensitivity to different sounds, such as rain, wind, external sounds, where they will have the facility to take the rhythm of any sound, showing ability to hum, sing, play an instrument and listen to music.

Kinestésica-Corporal, ease to dance, act, imitate gestures, perform some sport, move constantly, run and walk, enjoy everything that has to do with movement and learn more when they are taught through movement, remember things to Through your body rather than through images or words, you can be great dancers, actors or athletes.

Interpersonal Intelligence, has to do with the adequate socialization with other people, always being very extroverted and sensitive to the mood of those around him, having ability to work in a team, communication is assertive when it comes to wanting to express something showing always leadership, the way to learn is through interaction with others, through debates and forums. With this intelligence may be great politicians, managers, community leaders, public relations.

Intrapersonal Intelligence, is more the ability to know themselves to work alone, tend to be more introverted but easily identify their emotions controlling them properly, their preferred activities will be the games that lead to analysis and reasoning, learning more easily by medium of the individuality of activities, characterized among the perfectionists. Philosophy, writing and psychology can be a good profession for them.

The Naturalist, taste and sensitivity for nature, enjoy contact with animals, plants, counting on the ability to cultivate and care for nature, easy identification of species classifying them photographically as verbally.

This type of intelligences, some are innate, others are developed through the environment and the motivation of carrying out activities at home that promote and strengthen each skill, as well as all the intelligences can be stimulated through games that carry to parents to identify which skill is more developed and which is not so much to strengthen those areas in which they do not stand out so much, even though it is not their strength through playful activities they will be given strength and

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