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How to help my baby sit down | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

How to help my baby sit down | Mom's Blog - Jyoko

See the baby sit is very excited, because it is growing and becoming much more independent, this is not an achievement that is obtained overnight, before getting it must learn certain motor skills that allow you finally can sit alone.

According to the Spanish Society of Pediatrics the development of the baby starts from the head down, at four months he/she can lean supported by the caregiver, at six months many learn to sit, but still do not stand alone for long, at seven months they spend more time sitting without any kind of support

It is likely that at 8 months they get up with their hands supported until they are sitting without any help and definitely stay there with good balance and greater sustainability.

When he/she is ready to sit the baby will show him trying to turn sideways to support your hand and push up.

If the baby wants to sit down but still does not know how, he can be taught how to do it, but only if he is ready, it is not good to advance this process as forcing this stage can affect the column. One way to know if the child is ready is to notice that he holds his head firmly and the neck keeps him straight when he is held in his arms.

When lying on his back andshow him some toy to try to reach, it will be excellent to strengthen his abdomen, neck and back muscles, although he may not be able to get up, by pressing to want to grab his toy will help him acquire more muscular strength, also the lying on your stomach with your hands supported will be a good stimulus to position the head in relation to the trunk, gaining strength in the muscles of the neck and back

When he/she manages to understand how to sit it is good to use some cushions around for the support of your body, maybe you do not do it for a long time initially but with practice you will achieve much more balance, the toys will always be a motivation for the little one want to push forward or stay seated, increasing time in position.

Free play spaces will encourage the ability of their mobility, Being on your back with your legs in the air will be a great stimulus for the little one.

Pic: www.onalittlebee.com 

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