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Doctors will keep track of your baby's weight, length, and head size from the day he or she is born. Baby weight gain is an excellent predictor of overall health. Babies that are developing well are usually healthy; however, slow growth may indicate a... Leer Mas
Every family of three eventually has a question: When to have a second baby? Each case is unique, some parents decide to do it when their first child is still small, others will prefer to let more time pass. Whatever the case, a second pregnancy will... Leer Mas
  Clipping your baby's tiny nails may be a terrifying prospect, but it's something you'll have to face sooner rather than later.   Your baby's nails have been developing even before she was conceived, that implies, she could be ready for a... Leer Mas
From what age can I put earrings on my baby?   We've all seen adorable tiny infants with pierced ears.   While some parents choose to have their baby's ears pierced soon after birth, others decide to wait until their child is a little... Leer Mas
  If you like swimming, you may consider taking your infant to the pool. Swimming has several advantages, but is it safe for babies? Or is it possible to teach a baby to swim?   In this article, we’ll explain when newborns can swim, how to... Leer Mas
This occurs when we cannot get our baby to sleep through the night or enough hours a day. If you are fighting against those difficulties that prevent your baby from sleeping, the consequences can also affect you, due to the lack of hours of sleep. But... Leer Mas
Postpartum depression is all this and much more, it can be experienced to a greater or lesser extent and can appear up to a year after the birth of your baby. Next, we will expose some symptoms, causes and solutions. Humans consider the birth of a... Leer Mas
There are many reasons why you may want or need gluten-free foods for your baby or toddler: they may have coeliac condition or show some sensitivity to gluten. You may even already maintain a gluten-free diet for yourself or other family members.... Leer Mas
When you see that second pink line on a pregnancy test, it changes your whole life in the snap of a finger. Having a baby is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that fills you with love, hope and anticipation. However, along with this delight, comes the... Leer Mas
It is precisely during pregnancy that sleep is most needed. And once the baby is born, a good night's sleep will be much more difficult to achieve. But what makes insomnia during pregnancy so much harder to treat? If you want to get a good night's rest,... Leer Mas
Has your baby's doctor said it's almost time to begin your little one on solids? Weaning your baby off breast and introducing solid foods is one of the biggest milestones in your baby's first year!  There are numerous ways to wean your baby that are... Leer Mas
The sun is shining, the waves are crashing, and the sand is calling. A beach vacation is a must-do throughout the summer. But will you bring your baby to the beach safely? Since even the one-and-under crowd needs a break from time to time. If you've... Leer Mas
No matter how vigilant you are, your child will most likely get diaper rash at some stage. The majority of babies do! Fortunately, there are creams and ointments to treat the problem, as well as diapering know-how that can help deter it before it occurs.... Leer Mas
The term 'first aid' refers to a series of actions that, in an orderly manner, must be carried out when helping a person who has suffered an accident and needs help. But did you know that psychological first aid also exists? Psychological first... Leer Mas
The kitchen is a space that we can use for our children to develop manual and math skills. At the same time, in addition to being a place where their senses will be constantly receiving different stimuli, it can also be a great opportunity to involve them... Leer Mas
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