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Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is all this and much more, it can be experienced to a greater or lesser extent and can appear up to a year after the birth of your baby. Next, we will expose some symptoms, causes and solutions.

Humans consider the birth of a baby as the maximum happiness in the life of an adult, it is related to achieving goals, stability and success. But what happens when all our expectations are not met and on the contrary we begin to experience emotions that we do not associate with motherhood, such as fear, sadness, lack of appetite, anxiety, irritability, among others.

What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is the mental illness that a mother experiences after the birth of her baby. This disease affects the mental, physical and behavioral health of those who suffer from it. It is characterized by feelings of emptiness, sadness and hopelessness that do not go away. In many cases, the mother does not feel a natural connection to her child.

Importantly, feelings of sadness are normal after delivery. Most women experience them due to physical and hormonal changes, as well as in their lifestyle. But, these feelings usually disappear after a few days; when not, you need to pay attention.


Postpartum depression can be experienced by a woman who has already gone through other childbirth without suffering it, is in excellent health, with good habits, and who is happy to become a mother. Still, we can spot some common causes that increase the chances of postpartum depression.

- Hormonal changes. During and after pregnancy, a woman's body experiences incredible changes in her hormone levels. Everything to give birth to a new life. After the pregnancy is over, hormonal fluctuations can cause irritability, sadness, and a general feeling of being unwell. When all this lengthens and does not diminish over time, we are facing a possible postpartum depression.

- History of depression. Women with a history of depression or a family history of depression are more likely to develop it.

- Stress during pregnancy. Medical or emotional problems during pregnancy can be the cause of postpartum depression. The fear of losing the baby and unfavorable circumstances in the family environment can lead to a bond between mother and child not being established.


Some of the symptoms of postpartum depression are as follows:

- Humor changes
- Excessive crying
- Lack of appetite
- Insomnia
- Sleep too much
- Sadness
- Irritability
- Afraid
- Isolation from family
- Guilt
- Little ability to concentrate
- Anxiety
- Thoughts of death


Postpartum depression is a mental illness that has a treatment and a solution. If you or someone you know experiences the aforementioned symptoms, you need to seek professional help and begin proper treatment.

- Family support. The best thing we can do when we experience depression is to express it to our loved ones. Many times we are ignorant of what postpartum depression is and we believe that it is normal to experience all these feelings when we become mothers. But it is crucial to recognize that we need help.

- Therapy. The main treatment for postpartum depression is psychological therapy, seeing a therapist will help you learn techniques to change your thoughts and behavior. If the intervention of a doctor is necessary to prescribe medications, your therapist may refer you to the indicated specialist.

Postpartum depression is a little known issue of motherhood, although it affects 1 in 9 women. Developing it is not a reflection of your abilities as a mother, nor of your ability to raise a human being. Depression is a treatable illness: it is not normal to feel unhappy, out of energy, or empty. We recommend you seek professional help and family support, depression can be overcome.

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