Have you ever heard your son or daughter insistently ask for a pet every time you go for a walk and see a cute puppy? You've probably considered it's a good time, but, before making a decision, it's important to consider the benefits and evaluate the risks of adding a new member to the family.
- It can change our itinerary. Families who already have an established routine will have to adjust it to meet the needs of the new arrival. This may mean changes in travel or weekend plans.
- Allergies. If our children have had only momentary exposure to certain animals, we may not be aware of the existence of an allergy until we have an animal at home.
- Expenses. A pet requires care, vaccinations, vet visits, and the list goes on... We must responsibly evaluate if we are able to add the expense of a pet to our budget.
- Some pets do not suit our little ones. We must understand that every living being has its personality and instinct, which we cannot always mold to our needs. A clear example are cats, beautiful animals that amuse us and accompany us, but do not always appreciate being petted. If we have small children we must consider that the pet is appropriate for them.
- Contrary to popular belief, children from 0 to 12 months benefit from living with animals. They will be less likely to develop respiratory problems and allergies.
- A child who lives with other living beings, knows first hand the natural processes of life, such as birth, reproduction and death.
- He will learn to respect nature. It is easier for a child to understand the importance and fragility of living beings when he/she lives with and becomes attached to an animal.
- It will promote physical activity. Especially if we choose a pet that demands large amounts of activity, such as dogs. The habit of going for a walk or playing with him will be fun and beneficial at the same time.
- They benefit the emotional health of the little ones. Pets help children develop social skills, improve their self-esteem and understand the importance of emotions.
- They will develop a sense of responsibility. Usually the arrival of a pet at home comes with a list of chores for everyone. The little ones will be able to cooperate by giving food, making sure it has fresh water, helping with bath time and walks.
The benefits of having a pet at home are always greater than the possible cons, even so, it is important to evaluate that we are able to provide the necessary attention and care to a small animal before making the commitment to adopt it. Also, it is important to talk to our children about the responsibility that comes with having a pet and that they understand that not everything is fun.
What has been your experience with pets?
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