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Why does my baby push a lot?

Why does my baby push a lot?


Newborns are unique creatures; during the first 3 months of life they amaze us with the number of changes we observe in them day by day. But being new to this world, there are many processes that their little bodies have not yet mastered, among them digestion. During the first months of life, the baby's intestine has not fully matured and gives us the impression that they try to poop, but do not succeed.


Let us remember that the digestive system of a newborn baby is just beginning to function in a new environment. During gestation the tasks of feeding, breathing, excretion and metabolism are performed by the placenta and the mother's body. This change will put the newborn's organs and systems to work.


It is normal to hear noise while eating, and even to start pushing and evacuating at the moment of ingesting food. The reason is simple, her stomach and intestine are still very small, and she needs to make room to continue feeding.


Pushing will begin from the second week of life, this is because the first few days the food passes without any barrier, but a little later when the digestive system begins to perform its usual functions the baby will begin to push.


Gas may be the cause of your baby's pushing. This is normal, although probably uncomfortable for the newborn who will gradually find the strength to expel them. While he does so, it is advisable to help him expel air after each feeding. Avoid putting your baby to bed right after feeding.


It may take your newborn a few months to coordinate the movements of the digestive system. Although as adults we stop paying much attention to the movements needed to have a bowel movement, remember that coordination is needed between bowel movements and the opening of the anus. If your little one is pushing, but does not coordinate the opening of the anus, his effort will not end in a bowel movement.


Pushing will be normal and constant for the first three months and even a little later. He may appear to be uncomfortable but should not cry excessively when pushing. If we observe that the baby pushes and cries without comfort even after being held and offered food, we should consider a visit to the doctor. If there is suspicion that something is wrong, it would be beneficial to pay attention to the following.


- Diarrhea.

- Constipation.

- Skin irritation.

- Reflux.


If the newborn presents any of the above, it would be appropriate to visit the doctor to check that its growth is adequate and to rule out food intolerance or any other health problem. In general, it is normal for a baby to push, it is a good sign that its digestive system is maturing properly.

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