Clipping your baby's tiny nails may be a terrifying prospect, but it's something you'll have to face sooner rather than later.
Your baby's nails have been developing even before she was conceived, that implies, she could be ready for a manicure in her first week of existence.
It may be intimidating to use scissors near your child's tiny fingertips, but it is a critical requirement. Those overgrown nails could be softer and more elastic than yours, but they can still be sharp enough to scratch your infant’s skin, particularly around the face. So, prepare yourself and get to work!
Is it essential to cut your baby's nails?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. As a parent, this is one of the things you don't want to do but have to. Baby's nails should be cut regularly to keep them safe and to prevent accidental and unintended scratches.
When it comes to cutting a baby's nails, there is no fixed time—you can do it anytime they are long. However, bear in mind that baby nails grow quicker than adult nails and usually need trimming once a week.
What is the safest method for cutting a baby's nails?
Use baby scissors with rounded tips (to avoid unintentionally poking her if she startles while you're working) or a clipper made for the job — some also have built-in magnifying glasses to enable you to have a clear view.
- Hold the baby's finger and push the fingertip pad down and away from the nail before cutting.
- Chop gently along the natural shape of the fingernail, being careful not to go too deep and nip the quick.
- Split her nails straight across while tending to her tiny toes. Remember that toenails grow slowly and hence need less grooming.
Tips to Trim Baby's Nails
File them down
Filing your baby's nails with an emery board is the easiest process, but it takes longer. You must also be cautious not to rub the delicate skin beneath the nail bed. Avoid using a metal nail file, which could be too harsh for your baby's skin.
Get assistance with nail trimming!
Cutting your baby's nails is a lot better when you have another adult keeping them still and distracting them.
Choose your time wisely!
You will also want to choose a period when your baby is relaxed or distracted, such as when they are eating or sleeping.
What if you cut the baby's skin?
If you inadvertently nick the skin -- gently place a piece of clean, wet cotton wool on the cut and apply light pressure to prevent bleeding. However, do not use plaster because it can fall off and cause your baby to choke.
Things to Stay Away From
- Biting your baby's nails with your teeth is not a wise idea because it will transmit germs from your mouth and may lead to an infection.
- When you peel your baby's nails, you risk tearing them back too far, which will injure your child.
- Avoid shaping the nail or cutting down the edges of the nail. Ingrown nails and infections may result from this.
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