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Breast milk is the best food for babies: it contains nutrients that strengthen their little bodies. However, breastfeeding throughout the day is a very complicated task. Therefore, breast pumps are the best option, both for their comfort and for the... Leer Mas
One of the first approaches that children have to the world of art is through crafts, that is, any activity that involves work done with the hands (which may include the use of some tools such as scissors, brushes or glue). Although they are generally... Leer Mas
We all know that, to go out for a walk with children, it is necessary that the car seat has a child restraint system (SRI) that adjusts to the characteristics of the little ones. Therefore, as the child grows, and to provide him with the protection and... Leer Mas
Routines are the result of activities that we do out of habit. For this reason, they are a very useful tool when it comes to creating good habits in children and, thus, achieving long-term benefits. The benefits of a sleep routine are many, starting... Leer Mas
Is there anything more beautiful than newborn baby clothes? Tiny socks and booties, bodysuits… No wonder new parents find themselves with tons of new baby clothes that will never be worn. In reality, newborns are left without clothes every day. In... Leer Mas
  Pregnancy and childbirth are significant experiences in the lives of many women. Although this can be a joyful moment, it can also be a cause of depression and anxiety . Women are frequently concerned with the inevitable pain of childbirth as... Leer Mas
Due to the hormonal change that is suffered during the nine months of gestation, many emotional ups and downs can occur. For this reason, it is important to know how to identify the sensations that are suffered. For example, it is necessary to evaluate... Leer Mas
Nocturnal enuresis, also known as nocturnal infantile urinary incontinence, is the involuntary discharge of urine that occurs after 5 years of age (it can even last until adolescence), at which time it is assumed that the child should have taken control... Leer Mas
Lice are tiny parasites that depend on a human (host) to complete their life cycle: they feed on your blood and remain in the same place, depositing eggs. They are commonly found on the scalp, but can also be found on the eyelashes and eyebrows. What... Leer Mas
Thinking about the well-being of your children is always a priority, so sleep must be considered as something important that must be taken care of and made more pleasant. For generations, we have been taught that the pillow is part of a good rest, but... Leer Mas
Moving your baby from a crib to a bed is a huge but wonderful milestone and something that you’ll want to make sure that both of you are ready for. There’s no hard rule as to when babies need to move from a crib to a bed. But generally, most... Leer Mas
Many times, it becomes a headache to teach and educate the little ones, since it comes, in some moments, to force the child to do what we think can work. However, the child's brain works differently, especially in the early stages. Sensory writing is a... Leer Mas
Starting to think of the baby's name is a general rule from the moment we know if she is a girl or a boy. A name that is representative, meaningful and meets all the expectations we have is desired. But, everyone knows that it is not an easy task; And,... Leer Mas
Currently, some myths persist about children with Down syndrome that have distorted the way in which they should be educated and generate appropriate processes that stimulate them. To clarify all this, we will begin by explaining what Down syndrome is.... Leer Mas
The feet are essential in balance and spatial orientation. They develop and evolve at each stage of the child, from birth to adulthood. And, in this growth process, the feet acquire greater strength, support and shape, thus achieving a good walking and... Leer Mas
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