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How much baby clothes do I need?

How much baby clothes do I need?

Is there anything more beautiful than newborn baby clothes? Tiny socks and booties, bodysuits… No wonder new parents find themselves with tons of new baby clothes that will never be worn.

In reality, newborns are left without clothes every day. In fact, it will be an achievement that the 0-3 month sets go beyond ten weeks, since there are many changes that babies begin to present, especially after two months. This means that you will have to buy the next size every two weeks or at least every two months.

Also, there is the issue of diaper losses. On average, a newborn spoils his clothes from losses at least 3 times a day, which means that you will need quite a few changes.

Therefore, we must ask ourselves how much newborn baby clothes we really need. To find the answer, the following must be taken into account:

Washing clothes: if you wash clothes every other day, you don't need as many outfits, even despite the constant changes. However, if you only do laundry once a week or so, you probably need to have enough laundry to last the entire week.

Sizes: newborn clothes are available in two sizes: 000 for babies from 0 to 2 months, and 00 for babies from 3 to 4 months. The first, 0-2, can work for most babies, including infants, and should work for you until 10-12 weeks. This is the size that you should buy the most if your baby was born with two kilos or more.

Variety: when buying baby clothes, you have to know that not all the pieces are going to be used equally. Some of them, such as bodysuits and socks, will be used more than, for example, pants and dresses. Therefore, it is best to choose more garments of this type, which you will wear more often, than outfits or outdoor clothing.

What clothes should a newborn have

- 7 bodysuits
Bodysuits are the essential garment of the baby and, therefore, what you should take into account the most. Not only does it serve as a vest to cover your baby's chest, but it also keeps the diaper in place. A good bodysuit has a wrap neck for ease of use and a button closure between the legs, to make diaper changes easier. The best thing is that your baby wears them every day, even under other clothes, since, in this way, in case of any loss, the bodysuit will get dirty before the clothes on it. Therefore, the optimal thing would be to have, in case of doing the laundry a couple of times a week, seven of them.

- 7 diapers
When babies are young, you want their outfits to be as easy, practical and comfortable to wear. And for this, foot pajamas or baby sleepwear are essential. Like bodysuits, you need to have at least seven of them, as they are likely to be used every day.

- 5-7 pairs of socks
Socks are another essential item because babies need to keep their feet warm. Get 5-7 pairs so they can wear almost every day, especially when they're not wearing pajamas.

- 2 jerseys
Even in the height of summer, a baby needs to wear a sweater when she goes out for a walk. However, it is not necessary to have many, since babies are usually already wrapped in a lot of blankets. With which, 2 or 3 sweaters will suffice. Make sure to choose cotton ones, since most babies are sensitive to other materials.

- Caps
Babies need two types of hats: one to keep their heads warm in cold weather, and another to protect them from direct sunlight when they are outside. One for each is more than enough, unless you find yourself in the dead of winter, where you will need more.

- 2 pairs of mittens
Like hats, it is not necessary to buy more than 2 mittens, as you will only use them when it is very cold. However, some people put them on babies to protect them from scratches that can be made on the face with their own nails.

- 4-5 pants
Babies rarely wear pants due to their umbilical cord, but they can start wearing them after one month of age. Loose pants placed over a bodysuit will keep the baby's legs warm and free, so that she can play more.

- 2-3 diapers
Diapers are not really clothes, but they are a basic for the baby, since, at least, during the first weeks, they must be wrapped in them. It may even be the case that they wear diapers until they are 15 months old. You can choose 2 or 3 cotton diapers so that they can be changed overnight. It is also a good option to choose to use a light blanket to swaddle the baby.

- Outdoor suits
When you take your baby out on the street, whether it's for a walk, running errands, or visiting friends, always are should be as comfortable as possible. For example, for girls you can buy two pretty dresses and stockings (for outdoor adventures), and for boys a pair of pretty outfits and booties. It is not necessary to accumulate a lot of these types of clothes, since he will rarely wear them and they will probably be small in a month.

Organize baby's clothes

Babies often go without ever wearing it or, at best, only once. This occurs mainly due to the lack of organization. One way to avoid this is by grouping clothes according to size and using dividers in drawers or closets. Another option, and that can also be complemented with the previous one, is to make sure to check the piles of clothes, at least once a month, to, in this way, throw away the clothes that have become too small. In addition, you will be able to better manage your clothes since you will know what you have, what you do not have and what you should have for the next few days.

While you focus on which garments and how many you should choose, you must also take into account the material and safety of these garments. For example, baby's clothing should be made of pure cotton, as it is breathable, soft, and comfortable on her skin. Or, also, choose cloth garments that are easy to put on, take off and wash. For safety reasons, you should avoid garments with threads, beads, bows and laces, as they can cause suffocation, strangulation or suffocation.

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