Due to the hormonal change that is suffered during the nine months of gestation, many emotional ups and downs can occur. For this reason, it is important to know how to identify the sensations that are suffered. For example, it is necessary to evaluate if you feel a constant worry about aspects such as daily tasks at home, or an agitation by different situations that arise and that cause sudden irritability, sadness or crying.
In the event that after the evaluation it is concluded that these symptoms are evident, you may suffer from anxiety or depression.
It should be noted that depression and / or anxiety during pregnancy are not due to something specific, but are medical conditions generated, according to studies, by physical, emotional and environmental factors.
Symptoms of depression and anxiety during pregnancy.
So that you can identify them more easily, here are some symptoms that are related to depression and anxiety.
- Deep sadness.
- Extreme anger and persistent anger.
- Confusion and impression of taking actions automatically.
-Concern about the baby and her development.
- Feeling of guilt and feeling of failure.
- Disinterest in relation to pleasant or pleasant activities.
- Negative thoughts constantly.
There are treatments that can help reduce symptoms or eliminate them completely. These treatments are conducted by professional psychotherapists who support their intervention in a previous evaluation, with which they manage to identify the mother's feelings and, thus, find the correct treatment. In turn, there are also activities, easily performed at home, that help minimize symptoms and that turn out to be a good complement to clinical and professional treatment.
Activities to minimize these moods
One of the ways to minimize these moods is by performing activities or actions that facilitate mental avoidance of the negative situation. Some recommendations:
- Perform physical activity: exercise is essential to eliminate anxiety. Some activities that help alleviate anxiety are: yoga, swimming and light aerobics.
- Have moments of disconnection: when feeling very anxious, it is important to have moments where the mind manages to disconnect from what affects it. Meditating and being in an environment conducive to it, such as being with candles and doing breathing exercises, will help in learning to control the mind and, therefore, negative moods.
- Going for a walk: this is an effective way to control weight gain, since it activates blood circulation and prevents foot swelling. In addition, it will help to have the feeling of energetic fullness and good condition with yourself and with others.
- Having contact with other mothers: being part of a group of mothers, people who are in the same situation and who can share your feelings and emotions, can be beneficial to relieve tension, thanks to the exchange of feelings and impressions that are It produces in speaking and expressing emotions in a shared way.
- Doing what you like the most: enjoying hobbies, spending time with your loved ones, partner, family or friends, pursuing your hobbies and passions, taking a hot and relaxing bath, etc., can be pleasant activities that will help you take distance with negative feelings.
- Be accompanied: when you feel sad or down, it is best to seek company and support from family or friends. The feeling that you are not alone in the process helps when facing obstacles, since you know that, for all the potholes that may come your way, you have people who will be by your side to fight them with you.
Early treatment is beneficial for both mother and baby. So if, after reading our article, you think you have symptoms of depression or anxiety, seek professional help as soon as possible.
Depression and anxiety during pregnancy: causes and treatment
April 23, 2021
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