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What is BLW (Baby Led Weaning)?

What is BLW (Baby Led Weaning)?

Has your baby's doctor said it's almost time to begin your little one on solids? Weaning your baby off breast and introducing solid foods is one of the biggest milestones in your baby's first year! 

There are numerous ways to wean your baby that are totally different – so it may be confounding to make sense of which one is the right one for your infant. While many guardians do decide to introduce solids as purées, there is another approach you can likewise consider for your child's raid into solid foods, that is-- baby lead weaning.


What Is Baby-Led Weaning?

In a nutshell, baby-led weaning implies skipping spoon-feeding purees and allowing babies to feed themselves finger foods right from the beginning!

How to Know If the Baby Is Ready for Weaning?

One of the main concerns new mothers have about baby-led weaning is "When" they should start. Pediatricians can likewise complicate this answer by saying, "somewhere in the range of four and six months." 

The American Academy of Paediatrics suggests six months a decent age to begin introducing solids.

In addition to age, look for different signs to know if your infant is ready for solids, such as:

bebé comiendo


- Can your baby hold their head in a consistent, upstanding position?

- Can your baby sit with help?

- Is your baby mouthing their hands or toys?

- Is your baby reaching out for your food? 

If your answer is yes to these inquiries and your infant's doctor concurs, you can start supplementing your child's feeding routine.

madre y niño comiendo
The Best Baby-Led Weaning Foods

Start simple by offering single-ingredient foods that contain no sugar or salt. Hold up three to five days between each new food to check whether your baby reacts, for example, diarrhea, a rash, or vomiting.  

Remember, you're simply getting your baby used to new nourishments, textures, and foods. Try not to panic if she isn't eating a ton from the start. Most of the eating is only for play and to become accustomed to the experience.

The Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

Here are a few of the benefits of baby-led weaning:

- Baby-led weaning urges babies to get comfortable with a greater variety of textures and flavors. 

- It's an early—and vital—step for babies in learning self-regulation: figuring out how to stop eating when they feel full. 

- Babies finesse hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills by figuring out how to grasp food and move it to their mouth. 

- Babies self-select food sources, which appeared to build weight in underweight children and support a healthy weight in many babies. 

- Making purees is tedious. It's a lot more manageable to adjust what the grown-ups are eating to suit the child than to make a different meal. 

- Babies feed themselves so they can eat at the same time you are eating food. Baby-led weaning allows mothers to relax while the baby is eating.


Encouraging Good Eating Habits from An Early Age

It is significant for your baby to become acclimated to the way toward eating—sitting up, taking food from a spoon, resting among bites, and stopping when full. These early encounters will enable your kid to learn great eating patterns all through life.



At long last, make the most of your infant's messy plate, gooey hands, and clingy face. You're fabricating the establishment for a lifetime of healthy eating!

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