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We are just a few days away from the end of the holidays ? And what better to celebrate with something sweet ? Christmas Tree: -Chocolate Cake (Brownie). -Small chocolates -Lacasitos -Red, green and yellow food coloring -Colored swirls. -Wooden... Leer Mas
December is the most beautiful time of the year to share with friends and family ? Today we want to share a delicious and fun recipe for the holidays! ??♥ ⛄ Marshmellow's Snowman: -Small chocolates -Marshmellows -Marshmellows -Lacasitos... Leer Mas
As parents it is our responsibility that our children are healthy, strong, well fed and that they also develop in the best possible way, however there are times when the 'I don't want' of the little ones begins to gain ground especially at mealtime.... Leer Mas
All year long we look forward to the arrival of December, especially if we are Christmas fanatics. There is an atmosphere of love, peace, and good intentions in the air as soon as the holiday season begins. And if you are one of those people who also love... Leer Mas
Children's dandruff is something that, together with lice and nits, causes discomfort on the scalp of our little ones and it is something that we must observe very carefully. At the slightest sign of itching, wounds or 'snowflakes' on clothing, you should... Leer Mas
Christmas is a time when we want to give not only our good wishes and quality time to loved ones, it is also the perfect opportunity to give useful objects or experiences to those around us. And while it is usually simple to know what to give our partner... Leer Mas
The maxim "healthy mind in a healthy body" should be instilled in children from an early age and instill in them the habit of constant exercise and healthy eating should be in the method of upbringing we choose for them. With that in mind, let's talk about... Leer Mas
  Exclusive breastfeeding refers to the period of a baby's life between 0 and 6 months of age when he/she is fed only with breast milk, without any other solid or liquid supplement to accompany his/her diet.   Undoubtedly, this is the most... Leer Mas
The cold months are approaching, so one of the biggest doubts that parents have regarding their children's clothing is: will they be sufficiently protected, will I be over-dressing them, will I be over-dressing them?   So you don't have to worry about... Leer Mas
Sleep during pregnancy is a common problem for those who are expecting the arrival of a new member of the family, and it can be the source of many concerns and doubts. There is, for example, a myth that sleeping too much during your pregnancy can be bad... Leer Mas
  The moment of delivery can be unexpected, and if you haven't prepared everything you need for your labor, the recovery period and all the time you will spend in the hospital, it can be difficult to do it on the spot without forgetting something.... Leer Mas
Every November 9th is celebrated as World Adoption Day, an act of love that teaches us that there are families born from the heart.     Today we would like to share with you the story of a family that teaches us the value of love and that adoption... Leer Mas
Today we share with you a super cool craft for the little ones Materials: - Paper roll - White colored paper - Black colored paper - Moving eyes - Glue - Black pen -Green paint - Sweets Steps: - Fold at the top and bottom of... Leer Mas
  Materials: - 1 clothespin - Green colored paper - Pink paper - White colored paper - Glue -Black bowls      Steps: - Draw zombie on green paper - Draw brain on the pink paper - With the white paper cut a strip and from that cut... Leer Mas
What we need: -450gr Flour -140gr Sugar -200gr Butter -2 eggs -½ teaspoon salt -1 teaspoon vanilla -1 teaspoon baking powder -Food paint -Baking paper -Film (Transparent for preservation) -Cookie sheets -Cookie molds... Leer Mas
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