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Benefits of HIIT training in children

Benefits of HIIT training in children

The maxim "healthy mind in a healthy body" should be instilled in children from an early age and instill in them the habit of constant exercise and healthy eating should be in the method of upbringing we choose for them. With that in mind, let's talk about HIIT training and why it's a great option for exercising as a family.


First, what is HIIT training?


HIIT is high intensity interval training. Does it sound complex? Well it's not, in fact it consists of a mix of aerobic and anaerobic exercises that can range from 4 minutes to half an hour of classes, in which the child or teenager works every muscle in their body in a natural and comfortable way.


How is it done?


Well, by mixing strength, speed and intensity exercises for short periods of time together with lower intensity exercises almost at rest. HIIT training boosts the minutes you spend exercising to the max. No matter the duration of HIIT, you'll be working at your best.


So why is it recommended for my little one?


For multiple reasons, here we list them:


● Improves your children's blood pressure.

● Prevents childhood diabetes

● Improves vascular stiffness parameters.

● Improves children's aerobic capacity

● Positively influences their motor coordination.

● By providing them with more muscle mass, it prevents wear and tear of ligaments and bones due to poor posture.

● Prevents osteoporosis

● Releases endorphins

● Helps the child to 'burn' energy in a productive activity

● If HIIT training includes music your mental health will also have positive effects.


As if that weren't enough, HIIT training also improves the quality of sleep and rest that little ones get at night, with exercise being a natural catalyst for rest to happen as it should.


How do we start?


Well, we recommend a routine of approximately 20 minutes, divided into four large blocks of five exercises, remember that the repetitions last 30 seconds and have periods of 30 seconds of rest.


You can use Youtube and some HIIT workouts for beginners and children, we really like the channel of The Body Coach, a British who has gone viral promoting health messages and sport in schools in the UK, in this link you can see the video and adapt it to the level of your children.


Think that you have to put some imagination and funny names to attract the attention of the little ones but once the first batch of exercise together will be a wonder to incorporate it into everyday life.


Always remember to watch the kids' posture when doing the repetitions and not to overload them with intensity. It is better to go from less to more.


In these times of pandemic the cardiorespiratory capacity of children has been affected by confinement and sedentary lifestyle, as well as the rates of childhood obesity have risen in recent years due to the boom of video games and virtual experiences in which our children spend more time sitting on the couch playing on consoles. In addition to the low intensity of exercise in Physical Education classes, it is up to us as parents to help them and set an example when it comes to moving their skeleton.


Try to alternate HIIT routines with some other recreational and beneficial activity such as dance therapy, Zumba and why not yoga or Pilates mat for children.

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